First throw?

Mine was a Fireball back in the 90s.

Coming back into yoyo a couple of years ago my first modern yoyo was a magicyoyo v3. I regret giving it away lol


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Back in the mid-/late 90s you couldnā€™t really get any brand name yoyos where I lived in the UK so I had a bunch of just knock off yomega brain type yoyos. But the first decent yoyo I remember getting was a Peter Fish Luminator.
sadly some kid at my school opened it up and lost the guts :frowning_face:


Duncan Freehand Zero

Then a beatup hand me down plastic Grind Machine

Then a Dark Magic

And finally, YYF OG Genesis, which changed EVERYTHING


Got a yyf one from my local hobby shop, then went to unresponsive afterwards, got a yoyojam surge for christmas later that year

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Pink Nekyo First Base, still love that yoyo


Technically it was a blue Duncan Butterfly I had in elementary school, but honestly I didnā€™t understand it that much at the time.

When I ā€œofficiallyā€ started the hobby early 2020, I picked up the Fizz and the Sage and was on those for about a month or two until I started collecting more, haha!


I had what was essentially an off-brand fixed axle butterfly that a yoyo demonstrator was selling. After that a Spintastics TigerShark

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First yoyo ever? probably a butterfly or imperial or something. first yoyo I remember actually buying and playing with a ton? duncan bumblebee back in middle school.

first yoyo after seriously getting into the hobby? yoyoking double agent.

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Duncan professional. I think thatā€™s why I love slimline yo-yos. I miss that profile. I really want a rbc (guts and gap) with the outside profile of the professional. Id like to have one made by OD. I wonder if I could pay them to make me a custom?


Pops gave me his old chewed up purple Duncan Imperial after Iā€™d seen the yoyo pitch at school (4th or 5th grade?).

Couple weeks later I took some yard cuttinā€™ money to the little toy store downtown and bought this Spintastics Tornado Terminator!



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Duncan metal racer/Yoyojam x Yomega oddysey


It would have been an old Russel Coke yoyo my dad gave me. First upgrade from that was a Fireball in '97.


Yinz ride the racer n at?

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Bought a Duncan Imperial and Butterfly on the same day, so those.

First real yoyo was a Dark Magic.

First metal yoyo was a first run dv888.

First ā€œhigh endā€ yoyo was a General Yo Hatrick that I picked up at Nationals in 2009.


Yotricks fizz

A Neo and a DaCapa. Showed up on the same order about three weeks ago. I have no idea what Iā€™m doing, but Iā€™m 48 and decided to get into yoyo.


Wow, so glad I looked it up. I was about to reply ā€œDonā€™t you mean Racers?ā€

All this time I thought it was the Racers.

Racers (still canā€™t call it anything but that) were my favorite until I finally got the courage for the Thunderbolt.

We moved to North Carolina in 86, and at that time it was the Laser Loop that all the other kids in class loved. I never got it though, personally was board with it.

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