First steps

Hello all,
Today i finaly got my fast 201 in the mail. And i’d just like to share you my first experiences with this yoyo, and maybe show how i progress, and ask for help if needed.
Its not that i’m completely new to yoyoing, about 7 years ago i played in regional competitions here in the netherlands, but those wre mostly aimed at looping, but to compete in those competitions you had to use a dracco yoyo. Since most dracco yoyos are imperialshaped yoyos with a fixed axle, it was realy hard to do string tricks, so this is my first string trick yoyo.
With this yoyo i got some 100% poly chaos strings.

Sadly i could only throw it a few times sofar because i had to go to work
So, the first thing i noticed is that it makes much noise compared to my other yoyos (remember i only had fixed axle ones). Also because of the shape and size it was a bit odd to throw it the first times. Also because of the bearing just throwing it and getting it back up felt a bit different. The thing i had to get used to the most was the sleep time, with a good throw my draccos slept for about 6 seconds (and it would barely come back to my hand), i counted a few sleepers i threw with my fast, and all came over 25 seconds, after that they still came back to my hand easely.

I havent really practised my breakaway a lot, but i still managed to get about 40% of my tries to land a succesfull trapeze ^^, i also did a few braintwisters that all went pretty well. I didnt really have the time to try any other tricks, or practice some more.

I actualy didnt buy any lube yet, so i might lube it with something that should do the job too, in a few days. In a few weeks i might try to remove the starburst for longer spins (but before i do i’d like to know atleast a few tricks so i could bind it to get it to come back)

So if you have any advice for me about starting new tricks, extra tips on how to learn some beginner tricks or whatever, i’d appreciate it.

PS: i might have made some mistakes on words or whatever, but well, im from the netherlands, and im 17 years old, so my english isnt perfect yet.

First of all, welcome to yoyoing (again) and the YoYoExpert forum!

Second of all, your English is pretty good. Keep it up!

Now your questions.

The reason that it is noisy is because of the starburst that the 201 has. This rubs against the string and makes it pretty noise. Also, the bearing might be somewhat loud.

The bearing will allow it to sleep much much longer than the fixed axle (not including fixed axle yoyos that are made to sleep long times).

The FAST 201 tends to be a noisy yoyo. I’ve never encountered a quiet one. Keep at your trapeze, try to up that percentage. Now that you’ve gotten a good hold, precision shouldn’t be too much of a problem!

Welcome to yoyoing, and welcome to YoyoExpert! Your English is Good… :slight_smile:

Welcome to the New world of Yo-yoing! You talk english good. ;D

Your yo-yo is noisier because of the string rubbing against the Starburst and creating friction. The bearing is another cause. Don’t worry because this is normal and will not harm your yo-yo. Your bearing will get louder in the future believe it or not.

Because of the bearing, your yo-yo will sleep longer and will be able to come back. Eventually (in the intermediate or early advanced section) it will not be able to come back up with a tug because of the bearing being broken in and spinning faster. To bring it up, you need what we call a bind return which is when we layer string so much it grabs (or a fake knot, can’t specifically describe it.) We’ll talk about this later.

Have fun and Spin on!

Hi guys,

Thank you for all the information, I’ve been practicing alot this week, i can now land my trapeze like 8.5/10 times ^^. But for the variation and ability to learn more tricks i’d like to buy a new yoyo, im considering a legacy, a dark magic or a metal zero 2. Also because i think i have some problems with how straight i throw i’m considering buying a KK bearing for one of the above yoyo’s.
Could you please give me some advise about which yoyo to buy? and maybe tell me the difference between them (responciveness, bearin type that comes with it, or just some conns or pros each of these yoyos has?)

well all those are good choices, but i would recomend the Dark magic. if that is out of your price range, then legacy. all of those are unresponsive out of the box. i think the Dark Magic and the Legacy both use yo yo jam bearings and the metal zero uses a size a bearing.

it is ok to buy a KK bearing but you should try to straighten your throws through practice. a good way to do this is to stand facing a wall and throw a break away. each throw step closer until there is about an inch (2.5 centimeters) between your foot and the wall and once you are throwing it well like that, your throws will be mostly straight

Thanks for your advice mr. yo.

I think i’d get a legacy, its been only a week since i started throwing again. My parrents and especialy my girlfriend are pretty sceptical about my returned passion for throwing again. They’re all like “Its just a toy, in a few weeks you will stop playing with it anyway, so dont waste your money on it”. I actualy kinda convinced them i really like it, so its ok if i buy a second yoyo so soon after buying my first, but just to keep the peace between us (my and my gf) i’d prefer buying the less expensive one. I can always buy a Darkmagic or any other yoyo later (i’ve also read alot of good things about a newbreed so i might conside buying a NB or a DM later).

I love the look of the limited edition metal zero(metal sides, purple cap) but i want a unresponsive yoyo now.

And thanks again for the breakaway advice, i already read about it searching for advice on how to get a better breakaway on this forum, but thanks for telling me again anyway ^^. This is exactly the way i practiced and got my breakaway and trapeze better ^^.


Seems like you have a good hold on things so far. I am glad you got the legacy though. It is so much better than the Dark Magic. Right now you only need to make sure you keep your string count up. I got through strings like food. quickly. lol

i still have 7 or 8 chaos strings left, and 9 serious sliks, and probably 20 cotton strings. i think i buy another pack of chaos strings when i order my legacy. the chaos string im using right now still works great after 4 or 5 days. i tossed away my previous strings becasue i got a big knot in them

you seem well off for now. prepared to rejoin the world of yoyoing. at lest until you start craving a new throw or trick.

hey guys,

i got my legacy about 30 minutes ago, i wanted to take out the bearing and replace it with the KK-bearing i also ordered with it, but i cant seem to get the bearing off ^^‘’, i tried pulling it, i even got some pliers and tried to pull it of like so, but it didnt work yet. so do you guys have any advice on how to get the bearing of? (already fixed this)

ohyeah, the first 10 minutes orso it was rather responsive, now it its rather unresponsive (still just a little bit) but when i try to bind it to come back, it doesnt. i tried normal (trapeze) binds, double binds, and those 2 but then throwed from a sleeper. Am i doing something wrong?


what kind of ‘‘Response Silicone Pads’’ does the legacy use? because i got a pair of textured gen-pads with them, but they seems bigger then the pads (or whatever those black circles already in there are) that are already in it.
I asumed genpads would fit because they where on the “Customers who bought this product also purchased:” list on yoyoz

Good job modifying your post. :wink:

How big of a loop are you using to bind? The bigger loop you use, the more likely it will be to catch. Also, are you really working at throwing the loop, not just dropping it?

As for the pads: The legacy uses silicone o-rings. I don’t know if genpads are the same size or not, but (not to be mean) just because it says other customers bought them with their legacy doesn’t mean they’re the same size. They probably have other yoyos they wanted those for.

I know that just because they are on the list doesnt mean those pads will fit the yoyo, but it where the only pads that where on the list, and yoyoz says it uses ‘‘Response Silicone Pads’’ so i asumed that they would fit. If it uses O-rings, my dad can get douzens of them from his work for free, so that wont be the problem, he can also get his hands on tons of flowable silicone, so if i eventualy decide to silicone my legacy i can get that for free too ^^.

As for the binds, i do manage to get a bit more binds to come back, but still very much fail to come back (even if i make the loop about half the stringlength), ill try throwing the loop more tonight, i hope it will help thatway.

thanks for the advice ^^

You should also learn backspin binds. They are much more effective than a trapeze or braintwister bind. I am not sure about the names but you can just search the forum.