Hello all,
Today i finaly got my fast 201 in the mail. And i’d just like to share you my first experiences with this yoyo, and maybe show how i progress, and ask for help if needed.
Its not that i’m completely new to yoyoing, about 7 years ago i played in regional competitions here in the netherlands, but those wre mostly aimed at looping, but to compete in those competitions you had to use a dracco yoyo. Since most dracco yoyos are imperialshaped yoyos with a fixed axle, it was realy hard to do string tricks, so this is my first string trick yoyo.
With this yoyo i got some 100% poly chaos strings.
Sadly i could only throw it a few times sofar because i had to go to work
So, the first thing i noticed is that it makes much noise compared to my other yoyos (remember i only had fixed axle ones). Also because of the shape and size it was a bit odd to throw it the first times. Also because of the bearing just throwing it and getting it back up felt a bit different. The thing i had to get used to the most was the sleep time, with a good throw my draccos slept for about 6 seconds (and it would barely come back to my hand), i counted a few sleepers i threw with my fast, and all came over 25 seconds, after that they still came back to my hand easely.
I havent really practised my breakaway a lot, but i still managed to get about 40% of my tries to land a succesfull trapeze ^^, i also did a few braintwisters that all went pretty well. I didnt really have the time to try any other tricks, or practice some more.
I actualy didnt buy any lube yet, so i might lube it with something that should do the job too, in a few days. In a few weeks i might try to remove the starburst for longer spins (but before i do i’d like to know atleast a few tricks so i could bind it to get it to come back)
So if you have any advice for me about starting new tricks, extra tips on how to learn some beginner tricks or whatever, i’d appreciate it.
PS: i might have made some mistakes on words or whatever, but well, im from the netherlands, and im 17 years old, so my english isnt perfect yet.