Finding a new yoyo

I’ve been yoyoing for a bit now and I really enjoy my Summit. If anyone has any recommendations about $150 and below would be awesome.


EDIT: pls no yyf, and no plastics

Umm, do you want something like the summit? Do you want side effects? Heavy, light, floaty, solid, what do YOU like? You could try yoyos like the chief, arctic circle, chik, super g has a unique shape… There are many, what do you like?

If you like plastic YoYos, then I would suggest either the Protostar or the Northstar, as they are both amazing YoYos for 35$ and are considered widely as the best plastics out there.

I have spikes on my summit but I am looking for stable yoyos. I know it doesn’t give too much help but really I like to try new stuff. No yyf please

I personally like yoyofactory, but whatever your preferences are about YoYos.
I like the Dark Magic 2 although I know a bunch if people who absolutely hate the DM2 and it’s only about 40 bucks

The arctic circle is also a good one

Umm ok, I’ve never tried it but hear the arctic circle is a really good throw. The chik looks nice too, but you might want to wait for a review… I’d go for the chief maybe. Many people think its the best clyw yoyo. I dont really know :stuck_out_tongue: if you want a plastic, trigger or protostar.
Edit : I dont think the dm2 is very good for you, I would say it’s for intermediate. You will probably find it disappointing if you have a summit.

The summit is as good as it gets between both clyw and one drop for under $150. If you want to try something new get a general yo majesty, model 10, or KLR. Whatever you can hunt out first :wink: or maybe one of the high end yyjs like the phenom, titan3, or diamondback. You dont hear much about those but I think they deserve more recognition.

Yeah I love the Titan, phenom and diamond back my Titan is actually being borrowed by my friend