Fellhoelter Titanium Yo-Yo

I’ll be following

Looking forward to the next drop, im out of town for work and completely missed the drop =[

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I may have saved a couple of protos for you guys here…
I’ll have to do a count tomorrow.
But, not to fear, I WILL make more, and soon…
Guess I’ll have to figure out a mailing list.
Haven’t done one of those, in like a decade!


It’s always surprising.
I don’t make anything that anybody needs…


Excuse me sir, this is a yoyo forum. It is only about things that nobody needs.


I am sure I will catch up with one someday.

I can justify the hell out of a solid want though.

That’s been my working theory since day 1, almost 20 years ago now.
You can’t overcharge anybody for a thing they don’t need.
They can just walk away. No harm, no foul.


OK, YoYo geeks.
Since I am finalizing the drawings for the production version, I have a question.
On the proto run, I made them so the gap stays narrow whether using my axle, or a bearing.
But, since it seems people would like to buy just my axle, I have a decision to make.
Should the gap stay narrow, or should it open up wider with a bearing?
I want to finalize that Axle design, so there aren’t too many versions floating around…
Right now, I have about a 3mm gap, and it stays that even with a bearing.
But, If I move to OneDrops standard, it can go to 4 - 4.2mm
It will also make it so that if you put my axle in any other yoyo, you get that narrow gap.
Right now, it kind of maintains the original gap on someone elses throw.
Not sure if that is desireable when you go to a fixed axle. That big, fat, gap.
Hope that made sense.


In other words.
Should the gap be narrow when fixed, wide with a bearing.
Or Always Narrow?

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Fixed axels should be narrow imo. With a bearing for responsive/semi-responsive a little more width is good, to allow a few layers of string to fit during tricks.

Several of us “Need” theses.

What is the current standard size of your system? C Bearing?

Narrow Gap with Fixed Axel AND half spec C bearing.

Wider gap with standard bearing.

I read your justification pages. These are your kind of customers.

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I’m fine with standardizing it to the OD standard making it a bit wider when with bearing and narrow with your axle. No need to make something proprietary to your design. I’ll gladly mod it if I want a narrow bearing :slight_smile:

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Yes we are. Blades are also some of our things but yoyo forum or whatever.

Narrower gap on the fixed axle tends to be better, but it can be widened depending on any response you have installed as well as the diameter of the axle. The weight distribution and axle material may adjust it. That is a horrible answer but just as many variables, also it will depend on if you just want to have it for modern fixed axle tricks or if you just want it to be a player.

I don’t remember if side effects let you change between full size c bearing and a half spec bearing but most yo-yos require you to swap the axle along with the bearing. Including a shorter axle might be a good compromise. :man_shrugging:

Side effects absolutely do not however ask my boy Steve how we got around that high post. Steve likes to file them down I like to use shims. Both work

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Any way to step the gap 3 to 4 mm? With spacers?

Typically yoyos made with Side effects are unresponsive. As you mentioned, you would need a shorter axel. The “Standard” posts are about .010" to long one each side effect to “Work” with a 1/2 spec bearing.

Most add the shims to either side and call it good going to the 1/2 spec with shorter axel. Others trim a set of side effects down (resulting in a slightly narrower gap). All user preferences.

The exception to the rule is the ZGRT Janus. ZGRT accounted for the side effects by designing a different depth on the yoyo half itself. The bearing goes deeper into the body.

If I were a guessing man, (My thoughts on this design) it is geared toward the 0A crowd for fixie/modern responsive play.

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