Fellhoelter Drop

Second random question but is the moistmaker fairly quiet? Most Ti yo-yos have a distinct sound and I have autistic family members (it’s me, I’m the autistic family member). I’m assuming the fixed axle means less of that high pitch ringing but I don’t really want to assume.

Hey, the site is working again!
It seemed to be down for me far a couple of days, not sure if it was for everyone.
I figured out the current issue.
100% MY fault.
When I made all of these parts, I went through, and measured every single part.
If they were oversized, (There wasn’t many that were) I put them in a little box on my bench to use as setup pieces for the 2nd operation. Turning them in to Kisses, or Orbs, what have you, without testing, and possibly scrapping a good part…
They should have been tossed in the bin after that was done.
Well, I got a new employee in the middle of this project.
While I was training him up, I didn’t communicate clearly that the parts in that bin were trash, so probably as many a dozen, that are larger than I would like, made it in to circulation.
Most of those, will still work.
A few, are simply too big.
My screw up, I own it, and apologize.
If yours is too big, reach out, I’ll make it right.


I haven’t heard of any coming apart, and would be surprised if they did.
They are pressed in well enough, that I actually do the final machining of the titanium, while they are assembled!
I don’t have enough experience to comment on the noise factor though, maybe @NoelKunz can chime in on that.
Or any of you that have bough one, and played with it a fair amount.
While they didn’t sell as well as the Solid Titanium did, we still pushed a dozen or more out in to the world.


Nice! That’s reassuring on those rings haha. For the noise factor I was wondering about the solid Ti version actually.

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I see that now, that the second question is on the Moistmaker.
My answer stands, I still don’t know!

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I will always appreciate when someone doesn’t know something and is honest about it. Thanks! I’ll await an answer from someone who has played one and some other Tis for a comparison comment.

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moistmaker is whisper quiet with the not-a-bearing installed, the bearing is typically what makes most of the noise with Ti yoyos. the shape and size of it means it doesnt ring as much as bigger, thinner walled titaniums on string hits.


Thank you!

Dead silent sold me. Let my wife know she finished Christmas shopping for me and put an order in.

I’ve sadly smacked these on the ground a few times from 5A. The rings haven’t moved on 3 separate Dessicators. They’re very secure.


Sounds like I might be back for a delrin in a month if they are still in stock and work bonuses clear lol. Thanks for the info!

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Dear Santa,

All I’m asking for from you is for Fellhoelter to make d bearing size notabearings.

Yours truly,


With ideas as good as that, you’ll rule the world someday!

P.S. welcome to the “Forum Addicts Club”!

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Is there a market for that?


Honestly, I am not sure. I would buy at least 5 immediately if they dropped but that’s just me haha. D bearings are gaining popularity, for example the new workhorse Yoyo for the boomer club.


Others make d blanks like zgrt. I imagine knowing how folks are and how quick blanks usually sell out a small batch would disappear quickly


I have some more zgrt d blanks on the way but they seem to be prone to free spinning unlike the notabearings so I’m less of a fan of them for most applications.

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I’m not against it, by any means.
Where can I see these other blanks at?
Google hasn’t shown me any.
Potential issues…
I don’t have any D throws for engineering / testing. $$$ to buy one.
Need tooling for a new size. $200 approximately. (Need axle reamer, and collet)
Engineering time. Since I don’t make anything that uses that size, there’s no other project to amortize the engineering / programming / setup time and expense against.
My guess is that I’d be $500 in to it, before we even produced any.
At even $20 each, that’s more than a handful, before I even break even!


Soooo… that’s a “It’ll be ready tomorrow”, right? :nauseated_face:


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