Fellhoelter Drop

Hey, the site is working again!
It seemed to be down for me far a couple of days, not sure if it was for everyone.
I figured out the current issue.
100% MY fault.
When I made all of these parts, I went through, and measured every single part.
If they were oversized, (There wasn’t many that were) I put them in a little box on my bench to use as setup pieces for the 2nd operation. Turning them in to Kisses, or Orbs, what have you, without testing, and possibly scrapping a good part…
They should have been tossed in the bin after that was done.
Well, I got a new employee in the middle of this project.
While I was training him up, I didn’t communicate clearly that the parts in that bin were trash, so probably as many a dozen, that are larger than I would like, made it in to circulation.
Most of those, will still work.
A few, are simply too big.
My screw up, I own it, and apologize.
If yours is too big, reach out, I’ll make it right.