Favourite practicing spots outside

Hello everyone, hope everyone is fine and enjoying the holidays or the soon beginning of them.

I am back in Italy for the holidays and as everytime I am in Italy I do have a favourite spot very close to my house where I go every day for 5-6 hours to yoyoing.

This place is repaired from the wind, the red floor is amazing make the string pop out so much and is super calm (actually in 5/6 hours I don’t see any human) so it’s very comfy as I don’t have to “show up” but literally create and practice tricks in perfect calm.

The only negative point is the humid which I can’t defeat :rofl:

I will be curious if you have any comfortable spot outside where you go all the time and you feel “at home”

In London I just practice all the time at home but because in winter the temperature is insane cold, here in Italy at the moment is 20°

Then please show me your comfortable places outside around the world!


Nice. Enjoy the weather. At my house it is 6 degrees outside!


From mid April to mid October my patio is a great place. Other than that time of year the temps are freezing or lower (Minnesota). So during the rest of the year I’m a bit limited in what I can do inside the house. I’ve dinged the ceiling a few times doing around the world, The McBride Roller coaster and a few other overhead moves. We’ve just had the house painted and I’ve been threatened with severe consequences should I mess them up again… :upside_down_face:


This is my favorite place to practice. It is about 15 minutes from the house down a few dirt roads. I hike around until I find a shady place and throw. The only things to entertain are cactus, lizards and hummingbirds. Currently practicing inside due to the cold. Hoping to throw in another part of the desert next week before a snowstorm hits.


I’m gonna have to see where everyone practices! I don’t practice outside because I’m dangerous and its constantly windy out here.


Today I feel blessed practicing in this beautiful spot in my grandmother’s hometown, such a lovely weather!

Merry Xmas everyone!


Today practicing spot :heart:

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Wow that beach looks beautiful !!! What a wonderful throwing spot !!!


It is, it’s beautiful from the upper part as well is in Sardinia called Masua beach


Okay, this has swayed me. I’m coming and I’ll swing by and pick up @fos1. Tell grandma that we will probably be hungry :hugs:

Ahahahah you are all welcome to visit, sadly I don’t have any grandma anymore but my mom make a lasagna that is the end of the world and close to my house there is a pizzeria that have one of the best tomato sauce ever!

As said everyone is welcome, everyone is accepted, bring your yoyo and yourself I will provide the rest!

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Usually on the top of some red rocks where I can see the Al-Khazeh


Oh my, now I want to go there :hugs:


This is an absolutely insane view, love it and so different from what I am used!

Also Eric let me tell you please that you are absolutely a legend, some of the first tricks I learnt are made from you and your tutorials, I started yoing with a friend that was already very experienced, he showed me so many of your videos and tricks and we used to copy them all time like the ping pong and the koloski tower, cheers for that man!


Thats awesome!! How long have you been throwin for? - What are your fav throws at the moment?


I play from around 14 years (more or less) without never stop (really love yoyoing), my friend Gianluca was throwing from probably 4 years before I started, he used to have all your videos and slowly stop the videos to learn the combos, I remember your name was really coming out while we play and then now I see your name here and I was “omg he is the legend himself”

We always been obsessed with technical playing so never easy tricks and I think I learnt to trapeze and then white Budda combo immediately after because my friend used to teach me and I jumped all the fundamentals lmao, it’s a shame that my friend Gianluca stop to play, I wish he was in this forum because probably will stress you a lot :rofl:

My favourite throws at the moment are Zgrt - Qi, One drop - Aitch for chill playing and Yoyofriends - Shortcut

I never been able to afford crazy expensive throws (and still I cannot) but damn if I am having fun with what I have, I think at this point I have to find your model as well and relearn your combos like I did years and years ago lol I used to learn them from my friend memorise them and then try them for hours and hours


Thats amazing! I wouldn’t call myself a legend lol but I appreciate the nice words! :slight_smile:

Lol you should get him to come back - and I am more than happy to help/answer any questions that you guys might have!

Those are all awesome and great choices that that you have!

Not to tut my own horn, but one of the main reasons why I love signature models w/ YYE x YYF is the pricepoint! Both are budget friendly, while maintaining great qualities that I love in a yo-yo! :slight_smile:

Uppercut : Great monometal yo-yo, comfortable shape, Inspired by the YYF TOO HOT model which was one of my favs of all time!


Budget Bi metal yo-yo that is inspired by the Titanium YYF Ricochet!

Again, Reach out if you have any questions! :slight_smile:


My two favorite outside spots are by the pool/pond in the summer, or at my folks property up in the mountains. The pool has a waterfall not pictured and the sounds are perfect for relaxed throwing. Same with the mountains, just peaceful and quiet.


I tried to convince him many times he was much older than me (I am 30) and I think he just lost interest with time but I am writing a message now to tell him that I met with you here ahahahah you just bring back to me so many great memories Eric!

I know your signatures models see them in here, wish Europe shops (I am sorry I know you are involved with Yoyoexpert) had stock like you.
You guys have to think to open a store section in Europe, we all need you and the same quality as Yoyoexpert!

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Man I’m jealous