Favorite YYF that went under the radar/just favorite YYFs too

The Edge, Edge Beyond and mono edge are my favorite… .

ChechPoint and Dogma always blows me away when i grab them.

Least favorite
Polyedge is my least favorite maybe because it’s in the edge family… maybe because it’s. $$$ and i don’t even display it… and anything with a hubstack (except my 2 888s.)

I will check out other recommendations on this thread.


I feel like the Superwide pushed the width of most yoyos way up. It is the only 46+ mm width yoyo that I remember from before 2012 and now they are super common. Probably wouldn’t call it my favorite throw but a really interesting one.

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My current favorites are the Flame and Butter, both are in my current top 3 yoyos.


I still love my edge series throws. Especially the og edge and delrin wedge. I hope they make more delrin throws.


I second the paolista. It has an old school 2010 competitive feel, kind of like a lighter supernova.

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I love my YYF California (2019)!
It’s taken a few beatings (multiple shallow and deep dings) and still is very smooth with almost no fingernail vibe.

For 30$, imo it’s a great value for anyone looking for something a bit different than the usual organic or competition shapes.

I play it unresponsive and love the binds that the higher walls offer + lightness on the string.
Tried it responsive and works fine too (only downside is that you need 10mm axle for unresponsive and 8mm for responsive)

Imo perfect EDC with awesome smoothness for the price. I’m tempted to get a custom engraved one in the future :blush:


Blade 2.0 is awesome for $40 and i’m really enjoying my K’egde.


Favorites: First gen Supernova, OG Genesis. Excited to see how the Flame plays as well.

I’ll sign off with:

The DV888 is under appreciated and overly hated on. ducks


Turntable 2 is outstanding!


YYF Cypher is probably one of the strongest monometals they’ve made. It plays like a high end Japanese yoyo (no surprise considering it was a Turning Point collab).

No big name signature attached + initial mystery box release meant it sorta just got drowned out by the likes of the shutter/horizon/czechpoint.


DNA Ultra

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Kinda sad that YYF decided that they weren’t going to do more 7068 cuz they didn’t sell well.

I think part of that is on them not necessarily designing with 7068 in mind instead of just making designs that happen to be 7068, or making 7068 versions of old models.

Like a 7068 bimetal from them would be awesome


I have loved every 7068 yo-yo we made. It’s just a hard sell for the price unfortunately and right now we can’t keep 6061 models in stock and 7068 gathers dust every time.


This all day long. I got my Cypher as part of a B-grade event associated with the Titanium Dream Kickstarter campaign. I couldn’t believe what a good yoyo it is. Still can’t believe it isn’t more popular.


Doomsday Genesis gets my vote for best monometal YYF.


I still have a Cypher at work I throw pretty often. Definitely got overlooked by most people.


Nightmare is my favorite but I’ve said it before. I never see anybody else with one though. I vaguely recall reading that some people had problems with theirs but mine is as true as it was the day I got it in 2016 and it has gotten well acquainted with my hardwood floor and a few rocks over the years.


I remember when the nightmare came out. Only problems i remember reading about (i dont own one, nor ever have) was poor ano jobs. Many (if not all?) has bare splotches around the rim.


If you were to ever do a 7078 throw again, please do a re-run of the doomsday genesis. Its still holds up great even today.


I have noticed that the ano from yoyo to yoyo look very different but I do like that they don’t all look exactly the same. Like mine has a fraction of red in it that other Death colorways had and the bare spots that I have look like flames to me.