Favorite yoyo released in 2023?

Only throw I got made in 2023 is the Nucleon. My vote goes to it. It’s good. I did play a w1ld for 10 minutes or so. It was good too


Is that a ti koi in front of the ss? I’ve got that same ss. And the aluminum version. Love them both. Been thinking of getting the ti one day to complete the trilogy

I dont know if Ive played enough of this years releases but I think the Reboot should be mentioned here!!
Fun and zippy as hell!

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For me favorites are Motion Harmonic, One Drop Reboot and YJYOYO Radiance.

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i also have the aluminum version, i got the SS to complete my trilogy.

the Ti is definitely the best of the 3. super smooth, long spins, looks great raw. can’t say anything bad about it. it’s the one i have been throwing the most recently.

if you like the others, you should love the Ti. it’s arguably the best Ti throw I’ve got especially considering the price of it.

enjoy the throw


The there is one more contestant coming in the mail. But tteeccchhnaaalllyyy id consider it as released in 2024…we will see hopefully by thursday. As of now though…Everything that I had the pleasure of trying the best imo has been the Honey Badger 23. That throw is just absolute perfection!

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TP Hades.


Jake Bullock’s Slappa was by far my favorite release, specifically the nickel plated version. It was pretty much all I used this past year.


i think we need to wait some months till new 2024 thread :laughing:

Klondike - I bought two and I never do that


AceYo Gravitation 7. Not as stable as I’d like, but plays at the speed of light. Also only $15-25.

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