Favorite YoYo Company Logo

CLYW and General Yo are my favorites.

Anti-Yo, Yoyorecreation and Werrd all have awesome logos.

i voted CLYW, but my favorites are g squared,werrd, and i kina like c3 for some reason… haha


Im a bit bias though ::slight_smile:



Yomega, Anti-Yo, YYF.

I really like yoyorecreation, c3yoyodesign, and Ten Yoyo’ s logos.

The OLD OneDrop logo. That was awesome.

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G squared. Simple and beautiful

YYE probably doesn’t count huh?
In that case I’m gonna have to go with C3.


I think the pickaxes look awesome. Even more, I love the antlers. I think CLYW is going to take this for me, but not by much. There are a bunch of yoyo companies that have some really nice logos.

Only 1 other person likes yoyojam’s logo? What’s wrong with you people

Is that really hard for you to believe?

I think many people like the logo, but the initial post was asking for your “favorite,” so it seems many would not give it tops. I might give it top 3 actually, but not my favorite logo of all.

The old CLYW logo with the antlers. That logo was dope.

Old CLYW, old OD, Werrd

EDIT : also if it counts, savedeth

Right behind ya buddy.