Favorite YoYo Company Logo


LOL, anyway, I just thought of this idea a couple hours ago. So…who has the best logo?

My favorite logo is YYF’s. Very cool but simple.

Anti-Yo, I <3 YoYo and Werrd.


CLYW’s pickaxes are sick and non-throwers admire my hat and beanies a lot.

YYF’s 5 panel designs with the blue/white rectangle are pretty cool too!

My vote goes to Werrd. :slight_smile:


Anti Yo, MonkeyfingeR

I like the simplicity and immediate recognition, combined with the iconic nature of G2.


One Drop!


General Yo’s BA Skull

CLYW, G2, OD. 'Nuff said.

Diverse Animals clearly has the superior logo.

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Wow, I guess I’m alone when I think that YYJ makes the best logos.

Clyw hit the nail on the head with their logo. So did yyf.

I voted CLYW. The antlers just do it for me.

I don’t think “other” is a fair representation to companies like G^2 who have an awesome helm-like logo.


that’s actually pretty sick.

CLYW and General Yo are my favorites.