Hades is my favorite Yoyo. It has a perfect width for me, 44.67. The diameter, 59.9, is large and I love how the sizes makes it look when doing tricks and that the larger diameter helps with power and spin time. It also fits my big palms well. The shape is perfect with the rounded out to rims bc it’s so comfortable and easy to catch. It’s super heavy, 80g, and I love how the weight feels. It’s easy for me to control. I can’t really play faster with lighter yo-yos so it’s not like it’s slow or anything. More like I haven’t worked the same combos enough to get them super fast. When I do work on speed, it’s easier for me to control bc of how present it feels on the string. The glossy body is beautiful and looks great when I play with it. They do make a version with blasted rims and I might like that more than glossy rims but I’m not sure. Also it’s a bimetal but the walls are thicker so it doesn’t have an insane rim weighty sensation. Hades is a heavy Yoyo that feels lighter than the weight, whereas most yo-yos are lighter with near min/maxed rim weight so they feel heavier than their weight. It’s just a great Yoyo and I love the way it feels to play with. I like lots and lots of other yo-yos also but Hades is my favorite.