Well I like to use all of my yoyos but when I go somewhere I usually bring either my chaotic or DV888 or something like that with me. When I am just practicing I use my Bass Line or my Genesis. I usually use my New Breed if I want to do 5A. I use 4A yoyos for 4A… and I use my other yoyos other times I guess.
Genesis for really hardcore or practice and performing. 2010 Severe mostly for performing, and I bring it with me, and practice with it. And those are basically my main throws.
I kinda tend to use my TFL for like casual slower tricks. it doesn’t like to be the fastest yoyo.
I use my Pyro for 5a; Tough anno!
I used my kickside for 4a. (I whipped a bit too hard and now its gone xD)
wood: no jive
responsive stall tricks (and really just everyday play): flying v w/thin bearing, lubed up
figuring out my friends’ weird tricks: lately the spyy speed freak
performing/demoing: spyy pro
my mediocre 2a: 900’s (sometimes clean machines)
my crappy 5a: pistolero with a spintop button
For the past week I have been using only a ProtoStar, and since I got a NorthStar, I’ve been throwing that too. Whenever I try to pick up a metal, I just put it down. I kinda use those for everything