Favorite Stacked Throw?

I feel like the stacks detract from the play and they r so loud!!! I’ve been playing with an 888x and stacks just drive me crazy for some reason. Wondering if there’s other yoyos that r smoother with stacks?

I don’t have one, but I need to get one. :slight_smile:

Ill sell or trade u mine!

If the hubstacks are driving you crazy you can take them a part and clean the bearings which helps a tiny bit

I could. Well really the noise isn’t a huge issue for me. But my family will kill me if I use it haha. I think I’ll just trade it away. I just don’t think stacks r for me. I love grinds but stacks. Idk.

Superstar or g5


My only decent throw that’s stacked is my skyline and that thing is crazy smooth!!!

One of my favs.