favorite new throw

I recently got a Northstar, DV888 and a wooden Shaqler, but my favorite still is my Genesis, which runs circles around all of those any day of the week. I guess out of the ones I got I probably like the Northstar the best, because it’s really large and heavy, which is something I like.

I just got a gnarwhal and it’s a frickin beast

Well, I’ve gone through so many yoyos this year. I’m talking 70+. I’ve been looking for “that one”… the one that fits perfectly. At first, the Avalanche seemed like it would be my favorite, and it was for quite a while. Out of everything I’ve used this year though, The Ti-Walker takes the cake. At the moment, it fits my preferences perfectly. Perfect weight, size, shape, and everything. I honestly can’t beat it at the moment.

Wasn’t the Ti Walker last year? I thought it was. Otherwise I would have put it #1 too. That is the PERFECT yoyo. I wish that VSNYC would make more so others could share in its perfection.


Well, at least it looks like you can FINALLY get a Skywalker - tonight at 10pm EST! The new colors are amazing as usual.

I think it was last year, but the thread said things you got this year, and I got mine this year haha.

it IS perfect. I haven’t touched my skywalker since I got it, and that’s saying something. I want more haha

I only got one this year, and it is by far my favorite and has given me an obsession with metal rimmed yo yo’s.

My vote is for the Dark Magic 2

mine is the square wheels proto royale

By far for me is the One Drop Burnside.

I have bought a ton of yoyos this year. One Drops: Cafe Racer, Dietz, 54, and Dang, YYF 888x, Duncan FHZ Pulse, YYJ Unleased, XCon, DM2, Destiny, probably missing one or two, but certainly a lot of yoyos and the Burnside was finally that throw that I was like wow, this one was made just for me. I love everything about it and how smooth and amazing it is. This was 100% the year of the One Drop. I think next year will be the year of the CLYW. I wonder if I can talk Studio into letting me try out his CLYW’s to find the one I like :slight_smile:

Burnside is pretty amazing.

Oddly enough, my newest is my 2nd favorite: A Phenom.

It’s gonna take bit to take that DM2 out of my #1 position.

Suprisingly, its the YYF 2.0. Awesome shape, smooth, I love it. After that, probably the Dv888.

After all 18 throws I got in the last 4 months, I looove the clyw Sasquatch.