We talk about yo-yos a lot here, but I know that a few of us have to play Magic. With the new Eldrain set coming out soon I wanted to know, what’s your favorite card? Why?
Been several years since I last kept up. I was running a black/white/red Boros/Aristocrat deck that centered around Cartel Aristocrat, Falkenrath Aristocrat, and Boros Reckoner, who was probably my favorite. He just constantly throws a wrench in people’s strategies.
Also, way back when…when artifact lands were still legal in extended I ran a super fun soulscour deck that was surprisingly effective.
Completely kitchen table casual of course. But man I loved the deck!
I personally hate sitting across from Tron in modern. Playing Zoo it used to be a 50/50 matchup, but ugin made it like 70/30 in Trons favor and it makes me sad
I played Mono Blue Tron and did pretty well with it online and especially at my local scene. Sadly the deck falls apart anymore. Green tron decks destroyed my deck like it does with most others. ( freaking Ulamog).
I admit. It does take a way a little fun. I made a Tron counter deck. If it draws properly it’s brutal. You can’t play anything and by turn 4 I have Emrakul equipped with Lightning Greaves. Maybe ulamog and fraying sanity if the game runs long.
Ulamog will get you! Destroys your draw. I run a copy of each of the Titans. I also had a deck that was fun. Fleet Swallower plus Fraying Sanity made for an insta mill.