Do yourself a favor and get it on current-gen. Getting it on last-gen wont be anywhere near the same. The gameplay will be the same, but even the nemesis system will be scaled back. Since the graphics and nemesis system carry the game through the more boring parts, the game wont be anywhere near as good as it is on PC/PS4/XBone.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
that was my orginal plan but I have lke, zero money for an xbox one right now witch is the next gen that I want. is it worth it of just waiting to get the next gen and then get shadow of mordor?
Xbox is better in every aspect besides resolution imo. So excited for Halo MCC and Halo 5. I just playing Halo Reach because it is free and it is surprisingly fun for what I hear is one of the worst Halo games.
Yes, wait until you have a current gen system before getting it. The gimped last gen version would ruin the experience imo.
lol. Do you actually know what you are talking about, or just repeating what others have said? The XBone is roughly 2/3 the power of the PS4. The differences between the graphics on the consoles could be anything, but they choose the resolution. Resolution is probably the least noticeable difference between platforms; I would much rather have 900p/60fps than 1080p/40fps. Since neither system is that powerful to begin with, compromises are being made all over the place on them, but I wont get into that.
I’ve been addicted to Final fantasy: A realm reborn for a while. And now that a new patch came out it will be the only thing I’m playing for A while. But my all time fav will always be Kingdom Hearts 2.
Alright I guess i’ll wait then.XD
Yeah bro, I don’t know who your talking too. XD Xbox is the console I lean towards to the most because most of my friends have it. Ps3 before I sold it was my favorite and I want to get the ps4 also, but the xbox one is gonna be first since I want most of the games on that system. And both of those really don’t compare to pc gaming. In my experience, and im not a pc gamer mind you, pc is really the better gaming unit, rather than consoles. More often then not, more games. More indie game companies, larger market place and you can just upgrade a pc for new games, not buy a whole new console. I’m too poor to go out a buy a gaming pc or laptop (Had one, broke too many times to put more money into now) and I rather keep my laptop for writing and college clean and fast then bog it down with games (expect hearthstone of course. XD) I want to lean away from video games being my sol entertainment, and I want the xbox one’s snap to and voice reading on the Kinect (which I think they separate or something…either way I like it mostly for the other features not just the games).
And yeah, kingdom hearts 2 is a really great game! Like really great! I wish I had a ps2 to play it again!
So you own both? The only difference is ppi, which is only a number and virtually unnoticeable in real life. Live is better than PSN, Xbox has better exclusives, and the DS3 is uncomfortable with mediocre triggers. The only thing the Ps4 has going for it is a spec sheet.
I like sony’s older exclusives better, but both are good.
Honestly, I don’t know why you’re so uptight about this, as I was referring to the last gen version of the game anyways. As a PC gamer, both Live and PSN suck compared to what PC has. One controller vs the other makes no difference to me as I can use either (I will admit the XBone controller is probably the best controller I’ve ever used, but the DS isn’t bad either especially DS4). Also something to keep in mind: the PS4 and XBone are CONSOLES. Their primary purpose is for gaming. Based on that, the "The only thing the PS4 has for it is the specs) is completely irrelevant and makes absolutely no sense. Most of the XBone’s “Features” can be accessed through your average Best Buy Special HDTV anyways, or streamed to your TV from your phone if you have a Samsung Galaxy.
EDIT: I forgot that as an api, DirectX (PC and xbox) consistantly fares worse framerates than other apis and is excessively bloated. Using a shell (just about the least effective way of running a game in opengl) valve was able to get better framerates for the same visuals than the DirectX version.
Every objective measurement of something can be said to “only be a number.” However, this fails to address the significance of the number.
Up to a point, PPI is most definitely noticeable. It really comes down to the visual angle (how much of your field of view each pixel takes up). This depends on both PPI and the distance between your eyes and the screen. TV’s can get by with lower PPI because manufactures assume that you will be watching TV from the couch on the other side of the living room. Computer monitors need a higher PPI because you will viewing them from about arms reach. There are computer monitors with even higher PPI that do have a noticeable difference, but their price puts them out of most people’s budget. Phones and tablets need even higher PPI than computer monitors because they are used at around half an arm’s reach.
FPS (and resolution) is the biggest killer of consoles. 30 fps is a joke. If I’m trying to play a game on my laptop and I only get 30 fps, I’m going to close the game and consider it unplayable on my current (read humble) hardware. Really, anything below 60 fps should be looked at with disdain.
So you are saying that the only thing that makes the PS4 better is that it fares better in every objective measurement on how well it performs its task. This is equivalent to telling an athlete, “You are only faster, stronger, and more agile than me,” as you try to race them or lift more than them.
Until Ps4 gets worthwhile games, Xbox One is better and it’s not like it’s doing 720p. I don’t know why you guys are bringing up PC gaming.
well for starters pc gaming you can mod the game. second we have computers more powerful then the consoles you guys just got. next we are awesome any other questions.
- Wii U is the only console worth getting for exclusives. Xbox one and ps4 don’t have any good ones.
- It IS doing 720p on a large amount of games.
- PC was brought up as a comparison to show how pathetic the console wars are.
PS: 720p/900p upscaled to 1080p is still 720p/900p. All it means is that it uses the gpu instead of the tv to upscale the picture, much the same way that late 360/ps3 games were actually rendered at 600p or less, upscaled, and output to the tv as 720p.
I’m aware of upscaling my point is that the Ps4’s graphics are marginally better and in the real world you will have a very hard telling the difference. The Master Chief Collection is 60 fps and 1080p by the way. Gaming is about fun and at the moment I feel that if you could only have one console the Xbone is the best choice.
Your gaming PC is cool and all, but I could not care any less about it, and I bet most people feel the same way.
ok, as I feared, this is getting into a more of a war than discussion. I am guilty of getting into it too, but I got to stop all this and get back to what this thread was made for: Appreciation of video games! So no more what is better than what, we all just have to let it go. XD
Like for instance: Did anyone play rachet and clank or jack and dexter or starwars battle front 2?
star wars battle front 2 was a favorite for a long time but then it just got old.
Wii FIFA13
Man I LOVE that game so much! I got spawned in with all the medal upgrades at one point
Every COD ever…