yea i heard of kingdom hearts 3,cant lie,pretty darn excited, and i have the pre- sequel alrdy, claptrap is a fudgin monster, but im enjoying athena ALOT!
D3!! If you play hc let me know!
harvest moon and some other small indie games
i play minecraft too
Don’t leave them out!
I heard both claptrap is awesome.
Right now, titanfall
looks like fun if only i had the pc to run it.
titan fall is kickass dude. XD\
Shooter: Half Life
Platform: Mark of the Ninja
MultiPlayer: Dota 2/UT99
Action: Thief 2
Tactical Turn Based Strategy: XCom Enemy Unkown/Within
Turn Based Strategy: Civilization V
Real Time Strategy: Dota 2
RPG: Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age
Racing: Forza 4
FFVII Crisis Core
Pokemon Red/Green
Spyro The Dragon
how is xcom enemy unknown? I’ve been wanting to get that.
Which platform do you play on?
Its one of my favorites including the expansion Enemy Within. Beat both on classic difficulty which has a tendency to be very unforgiving to sloppy mistakes. Don’t have the stomach for anything more brutal than that.
Lets see,
Dark souls is by far favourite no question,
runner ups include
dota 2
I have no mouth, And I must scream!
I have no mouth , And I must scream!
warcraft 3
Jagged alliance 2
fallout 3
wizardry 8
wario world 3
all super smash brothers
mortal kombat 1,2 umk3, 9
oracle of seasons
fire emblem path of radiance
ogre battle 64
aiden chronicles
probably more but thats just what comes to mind
I play on 360.
yeah I got it today and im really digging it!
Eh. Dark souls was too butal to the player if you ask me. And I played demon souls. But I did like how it was really rpg like.
Aww. If only you had a pc.
too poor for that dude. XD
Super Smash Bros 4 has been devouring my time.
Shadow of Mordor is pretty addicting. I’ve gotta have my revenge…
I’m getting my for the 360 so I have to wait. I’m so pumped for that one.