Fast or Slow? (Talent Show Help) PRETTY URGENT

My talent show is tomorrow and my routine at the moment is pretty fast with not much room for error. I tried to really sync with the music, but I’m wondering if I should make my tricks slower and easier to see, with a couple fast parts. What do you guys think? I’m throwing to Cousins by Vampire Weekend. Remember, the show is tomorrow, so I REALLY need your input.

If you go too fast they won’t be able to tell what you are doing. Opt for slow and smooth, with a few bursts of insane (and dangerous) speed to wow them.

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Definitely do this.

If you just go fast all through out your performance they probably won’t understand what your doing and they might not applaud. Then it’d just be you on stage throwing a hunk of metal around on stage with music in the background. But, if you go slow then all of a sudden whip out some crazy super fast moves you’ll get some oohs and ahhs, and you’ll definitely get applauded. However, if your school has a large throwing community and they understand what’s going on, you can disregard everything I said and just do what your original plan was. Because the people who throw will understand how technical and difficult some of the stuff is and they’ll clap and cheer, then the rest of the crowd will follow suit because people just tend to clap and cheer when other people do it.(I help out a middle school with musicals and plays and when the audience is too quiet during a dance number I, the director, and who ever else is helping out at the top of the auditorium will clap and cheer and that usually cues the audience to do the same.

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Yeah, I don’t go really fast, more like a competition speed. So my question is more should I try and flow with the music, or not sync with it, go a bit slower, and showcase tricks?

Flow with the song, great choice btw

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You should flow with the music. There’s a very big possibility that the crowd won’t understand why your showing them a particular move. They may not understand how technical or difficult the trick is.

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Remember that no one in the audience knows whats difficult or not. The’ve never seen unresponsive yo-yoing. So go with tricks that you are really good at and smooth with. Around the world, Eli hops, boing-e-boing, revolutions, mach 5, leg wrap trap, grinds, the matrix, ect. Visually impressive tricks with big movements. Yes, perhaps even walk the dog variations. If you ever watch any of Tommy Smothers videos, he does tricks that are so basic that I’d almost be embarrised trying to get applause for them, but the audience cheers and claps and loves it. You may even want to end your show with “the rocket”