FAST 201 and Loop 720...?

I recently re-picked up yoing. Question is, I am looking for some yo-yo’s that I can loop and string with, does anyone own a 201 or a 720 that is willing to let me know how they feel when looping and stringing? I would buy a DM but I dont want to make an investment like that yet for a yoyo that I am prolly gonna ding up while I learn.

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: sorry im tired :slight_smile:

look up some reviews on google :slight_smile:

I am aware of that… I am unsure of where I pointed out that I didnt want to do String Tricks… but I will state it again. I am looking to purchase a yoyo for string tricks and a yoyo for looping, I ask about the 720 and the 201 because they seem very affordable and I am looking for some feedback on them. I simply stated that I want a DM but am not ready to make the investment on it due to my inferior experience.

Thanks for the reply nonetheless.

Welp, I checked out some reviews of the 720 on google and I am pretty positive that that is what I want for learning to loop. The SOS seems absolutely genius to me. However I am unsure yet as to the 201. I cant find any detailed reviews of it. I want it to learn beginner string tricks, but I am afraid the FAST system might be a bit too responsive. I know it is adjustable but just how unresponsive can I make it? Does anyone know?

I’d get a YYF Velocity for string tricks and any old dollar store yoyo for looping.

Welp, I took your advice (partially), I just placed an order for a Loop 720 and a Velocity. I cant wait for them to come in, considering I dont have any string atm, snapped the last one I had today :frowning: too bad I am too cheap for the express mail :stuck_out_tongue: