Façade vs Capless

2 awesome yoyos for a reasonable price, but which one is best?

A friend has a facade and if I could get that colorway, I’d buy one in a second. Plays really nice. RecRev is amazing stuff.

The shape of the Capless is one I know I’d like as well.

The Facade isn’t a shape I’d normally go for, which is great I got to try one first. It’s bad I got to try one because I want it now!

Tough call. Both good brands. Both great prices. I’m going to give a tip to the Capless only because that shape tends to work really good for me. Money isn’t a factor in this decision.

thanks for the reply, but this part:

gave me a headache, but i think i deciphered it.

a tough decision indeed…

It also goes to prove:
Always be willing to experience new throws. Even more so when you can go to meets and people are willing to let you try their stuff.

a good thing to remember is if you buy one and don’t like it, they are about the same in value and you could trade one for the other on the B/S/T quite possibly.

Yikes, hard call.