Dv888 or Aoda Sunshine

uys I need help.
Dv888 is a really good high end metal with a great playability.
Aoda (Sunshine) Has a great imatation of the 888x and also has hubstacks.

Which one should I choose. Its like dv888 has quality with a nice great famous brand with it.
Aoda Sunshine has hubstacks with are cool, and all else is as great as otheres ALTHOUGH, there may tiny imperfections but I JUST DONT KNOW!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(GOSH
BUT I am leaing on dv888 side because its cool to have and so famous and may have a better quality and playability.

I wouldnt go for the dv888 for the reason that it has a famous brand name behind it. YYF is good and all but you cant base a yoyo just off the company. never tried the other yoyo your talking about, but i have a dv888, and as soon as i upgraded to a ministar, i never really used it. still don’t, its just not my best. but it is good ill give it that. Anyways, i cant really say cuz i dont have both, but im sure they both have great quality and playability.

“I am leaing on dv888 side because its cool to have and so famous”
Wut you sed there is a big nono, dont choose it just because of that.

Ive tried my friends dv888 and it was ok nothing special also it can be hubstacked it just is a little difficult
On the other hand I would probably get the sunshine simply because it isn’t yyf but that’s only because I already have a few yyfs and I like to branch out