which have you had better experiences with
All of them. Do you want to buy one?
Then answer these questions before we can help you:
- What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
- What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
- What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
- Do you like to mod/maintain it?
- What weight is ideal to you?
- Does color matter?
- How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do? Fast? Technical? Smooth? Slacks?)
- What is your price range?
- What is your skill level?

All of them. Do you want to buy one?
Then answer these questions before we can help you:
- What size do you prefer? (Big, small, medium, etc)
- What shape do you prefer? (Be specific: Round Butterfly, Flat Rims, pointy shape, H-Shape)
- What response do you prefer? (Silicone, O-Ring, Hybrid, Pad, etc)
- Do you like to mod/maintain it?
- What weight is ideal to you?
- Does color matter?
- How does your style relate to the yoyo? (What kind of tricks do you like to do? Fast? Technical? Smooth? Slacks?)
- What is your price range?
- What is your skill level?
round butterfly/mostly flat rim
o-ring and pads
70-65 right
i like black but no
fast/tech/and slack together (weird right?)
I say go for the Dv888. You’ll save more money too.
Dv888 for your preferences.
dv888. Amazing throw.

I say go for the Dv888. You’ll save more money too.
im kinda wantin a hub stacked yoyo so feel free to offer something not on my list
Dv888: good to have around when you want a smooth felling in ur hand
888: want to try smthing amazingly smooth and classic, want some class in your tricks (old school)
Dna: kinda of a bigger version of 888 but not as classic or smooth but amazing play