So I get the whole, no yoyo is better, it’s all about preference thing. I totally agree with it, too. But I am on a REALLY strict budget here, so I need your help. I have been thinking about the dv888 for a while now, because it is an affordable metal yoyo that is really unresponsive. But I just saw the shinwoo zen (5, I think) for the same price, and I like the look of that shape than the former. But the response system worries me slightly, mostly because I have never played shinwoo before.
Can someone who is familiar with the brand tell me about its response type, and how responsive the yo-yos tend to be?
All Shinwoo yoyos come with a rubber response system that can be responsive at first but you just have to break it in for it to be unresponsive, or you can just change the response system altogether with silicone.
yeah I have sillied all my zen’s with red rtv and they bind way better than with the stock response. Those rubber rings wear down very quick in my experience with them.
“Room Temperatue Vulcanizing” It means you don’t have to heat it to make it cure. To us here, it means silicone. In an auto parts shop, you want either “flowable silicone windshield sealer” or “RTV silicone gasket maker” Permatex numbers, if I remember right are 26B for the red, and 6B for the blue. (Wow 20 years in that stupid business were’nt wasted after all! ::))