DV 888 or DM 2

I think the DMII is easiest to learn on, its a very great yoyo for beginners and intermediate players. I learned how to bind on an 888x so I know its highly possible to learn intermediate play with the Dv888. The Dv888 may be more difficult to work with at the beginning but i think its a much better yoyo that will help you with advanced tricks as well as intermediate ones. Dont get me wrong you can definitely do anything with a DMII (look at andre boulay), I just find the Dv888 more suitable for my style. The DMII is too floaty for me, i need something heavier, with more of a thunk when you throw it. Also if you’re very tough on your yoyo’s (hit the ground a lot) i would consider the Dv888’s metal finish, if you hit the ground the worst that will happen is you’ll chip your yoyo. The DMII is all plastic with metal rims, so if you hit the yoyo on the ground enough times the metal rim will not only chip, but start to separate from the plastic part of the yoyo. Also consider the size, a DMII is full sized while Dv888 is a little smaller.

dm 2 is a little bigger

but i would say a dm2 for a intermediate player cuz it wont get horrable scratches like a full metal :wink: