Question for you fixed axel fans. I have a Duncan tournament wooden Yoyo that’s been sitting in its case since I got it as a kid. Always had imperials so this just sat as a collector piece until a few days ago when I pulled it out to tinker with. I’m pretty sure this is a rerelease of the ‘55 tournament (I got it back in the late 70s)and it’s a good throw.
Loops, shoot the moon , etc are really easy Yet it will not sleep more than a 1/4 sec so no around the worlds or anything that needs a good sleep. I haven’t played with a wooden axle Yoyo in many years so is there a bit of a break in period for a new wood axle throw before you can get a decent sleeper or it it just going to be limited to trick that don’t require a sleeper?
Those vintage Duncan’s needed to be broken in, also what string are you using? They used a thinner sting back in those days. Show us some pictures of it and the gap.
I remember having something similar to this as a kid in the 90s. I got it out of that “Things You Never Knew Existed and other items you can’t possibly live without” catalog. It would sleep, but eventually it would fly apart.
Here’s some pics. String is cotton and gotten from Duncan as well as the reprinted trick book. The original string broke after a couple throws and book has crumbled.
I didn’t watch doc pops video but you probably need to wax the axle to get more sleep time out of it. I would also take the string off the yoyo and then wrap the string around the axle and pull it through a few times to help smooth the axle down.