Duncan Torque thoughts?

I think I’ll just go and buy both to enjoy two good yoyo’s.
Yoyo’s I would not have bought unless this topic was brought up. See? Everyone wins.

First on-topic post for pages!
Well done.

Aren’t YYM throws made from 7075? I’m assuming that the torque is 6061. I’m gonna guess that the difference in material is also going to affect how the 2 play.

Looks like a killer yoyo either way.

only some of their throws are 7075

This thread was fun at first, watching you little ones argue.
But it’s boring now. Just shut up and get on with your life.

Duncan may have copied YYM or they may have come up with the idea by coincidence, this type of thing happens a lot more than you would think. We will never know. All we know is it has similarities.
This throw is not aimed at people that would have otherwise have bought a YYM throw. The price is different, the quality is different and I’m sure the play is different.

If you want to buy a YYM then buy a YYM, if you want to buy a duncan then go for it. But please for the love of god stop bitching about it online.

I’m surprised none of these kind of arguments happened when the YOYOFFICER Hatchet was released, it was all fun and games like “Which One’s the Avalanche or Hatchet” and stuff XD

If you ignore some of the color-schemes of the hatchet and the inner part of the hub-cup area, the Hatchet and the Avalanche isn’t really similar at all. And they doesn’t play similar at all. (The Hatchet is actually much better IMO)

I just got my Torque, and i’m really pleased with it! Well balanced with good spin times, and just the right amount of weight to it!

My favorite Duncan! (I have a barracuda FYI)

Now I have reported on this site that I have a Torque purchased at Disney almost two weeks ago. I am not a good reviewer but I have stated before that I am very happy with it. I threw the Torque before I bought it and from the first throw I just had to have it. Although it was a little wider than I am use to I found it to be well balanced and comfortable in my hand. I have been using it every day since and an very happy with it.

Off topic posts removed - keep it on topic.

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