So has anyone tried a Duncan Haymaker bi metal yoyo yet?
I tried one at Worlds and I really liked it. I only got a few minutes with it though, so I can’t provide too many details.
It’s pretty awesome. The light weight is balanced by its small size and obvious bi-metal design. It’s organic but not high-walled, so it has a nice balance of comfort and modern performance standards. The build quality is really nice overall; the seam between the steel rings and aluminum body is almost perfect where the only indication that there’s a seam is the texture/material and color difference.
Honestly, I view it as an undersized, organic, budget Draupnir. Has the same sort of magical feeling, to me at least. The only negative that I can see is if you don’t like the limited color options, but I really like the blue so it works. Duncan did a great job with this design, and I think the name is quite fitting; this little guy punches with the best of the bimetals out on the market.