Duncan Freehand Polycarbonate & Delrin! - Available Friday 09/15/23 - 8pm ET!

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In 2001 the original Duncan Freehand was launched and with it came a change in the world of yoyos. Duncan had tapped into something unique. Although the why was not fully understood, everybody recognized it: the Freehand was special.

In addition to launching a new style of play, the Freehand’s shape, aesthetics, and feel made it into an instant classic. Over the years Duncan has explored many different designs emphasizing various elements of the original, but with different materials and shapes. And now the FH1 shape has been rebuilt in an amazing all in one polycarbonate design!

Blue-Freehand-PC Blue-Freehand-PC-02 Blue-Freehand-PC-05

Machined polycarbonate allows for unmatched precision and visual aesthetics compared to that of traditional molding. Being able to precisely cut the Freehand shape and caps produces a very special edition of the Freehand shape we know and love. Also not limited by the mold of the smaller bearing this machined polycarbonate version features a large Size C bearing for completely unresponsive play. It really can handle any and everything you throw at it!

Available in some of the most beautiful translucent colors we have ever seen. Both body and caps machined to perfection!


Delrin is unique in that it is both slick to the touch and heavier as a material allowing for unique weight distributions compared to traditional polycarbonate. It can be machined to be very precise and is durable and chemical resistant.

Delrin-Freehand-Green Delrin-Freehand-Green-05 Delrin-Freehand-Green-02

With this newest release Duncan has reimagined the original FH1 featuring both a delrin body and delrin caps for a solid and smooth feel and a nice unresponsive large Size C bearing installed. It instantly feels classic in the hand and on the string!


so, many, freehands :smiling_face:


To anyone that’s played both, which would you prefer if you had to choose and why? I’m leaning towards the delrin


I love both, the translucent polycarb is really gorgeous, but i also love the simple clean look of the delrin model (no markings on caps). :sweat_smile: oh boy

guessing poly is louder than delrin.

would be really cool if they included a matching counter weight in the same material/color.


Duncan seriously has got to stop!! - How is every FH1 version so gooood!!! - I think they are getting a little out of (free)Hand!! :rofl::heart:


Duncan Freehand Frenzy. I just got my mini FH1 in the mail today and now this. I wonder if the caps can be changed with the OGs Delrins and Polys. Would be some sick patchwerk.


Not gonna lie, I kinda hoped these would be slightly more affordable. I’m sure the price is reasonable for what it is but I just hoped, with the aluminum being $60, they would be closer to the $40 range.

Oh well, here :money_with_wings: just take it all


POM/PC is so expensive it’s close to bi-metal costing. Not just that, we are talking about two components, and a lot of bgrades :blush:. This was supposedly around $64.99 but we took the loss to make it more reasonable to purchase.


Any special editions lined up in the future?

This will probably the last run. It’s too much work, lol.


Im surprised no yellow delrin. Still looks amazing.

HEY!!! Thank you for everything you do Mr. Jardin. Flambeau doesn’t deserve you!

Thank you for keeping it affordable!!!




Everyone, just grit your teeth and hit the add to cart button. We’re in this together, we’ll make it through, but with some great yoyos :grin:


Understandable when the machine cost make up the majority and not the material. I remember people getting mad at how much crucial charged for their delrin throws.

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The issue for me is that I want the mini as I have a preference for its size, but I’m also very intrigued by the Delrin… Oh, and that I really do not need any more yoyos.

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You are tangling with the exact thoughts I currently am haha. I love undersized throws but the delrin seems so cool.

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That’s just ridiculous :face_with_spiral_eyes: Where will it end :worried:


when the ss titanium and bimetal freehands come out


All yours!