
Thank you Jordan.

I am ultimately sad I forgot to film b-roll, but also film myself or ask someone to film me at DXL so I had to relegate to footage in my backyard :sob:


@suspense Just saw the video you posted of you hand siliconing the Asoraā€™s. Iā€™m curious, when they come out for sale will they be hand siliconed? And if someone wanted to put response pads in, are there ones that are an ideal fit?

This yoyo is one of my most anticipated drops, I canā€™t wait!


I just finished siliconing all of the yoyos, so yeah, all of them are going to come hand siliconed and any future yoyos will likely follow suit.

I wonā€™t get into it here, but I generally hate pads. I yank them out immediately and put silicone in any yoyo I plan to keep, and Iā€™ve been doing that since I started modern yoyoing. The issue is, every yoyo design uses slim pads and thatā€™s not deep enough for silicone to last.

One Dropā€™s flow grooves probably fit fine, standard pads fit but theyā€™re heavily recessed.


Ok gotcha, good to know! Iā€™ve been meaning to take the plunge and just start siliconing my yoyos, maybe this will be the push I need. Iā€™d imagine CLYW Snow Tires may work as well since theyā€™re so thick.

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Awesome video, glad to be a part of it.


Only 19mm will work, 21mm snow tires will work on v01 though.

I think its worth the effort (minimal tbh) to silicone yoyos. I really donā€™t think yo-yoā€™s have much maintenance if any, and doing a lil cleaning/silicone job once every couple months feels pretty good tbh so I hope I can convince more people to silicone through buying Asora.

Thank you dude. Couldnā€™t have made it without all the players, thanks for letting me film you :heart:


Oh snap. I saw you filming at the dxl crew meet up. That was sick. Nice video. I subbed up.


Yo thanks! If you want to join in just let me know, Iā€™d love to film anyone whoā€™s cool with it.

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Iā€™m cool with being filmed but I am horrendous at 1a lol. Errbody was killing it though


Thatā€™s all good! I am trying to promote or showcase every and all levels / types of yoyo to share that joy. Anyone that isnā€™t camera shy is more than welcomed. I personally am not a fan of being in front of the camera, so it works out for me if people like being in front of it.


soooo, we still feeling this? im bursting with excitement

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Made a lil blog post going over the packaging.

Iā€™m basically on track for them to be ready, I just donā€™t know if I will make it to worlds right now.

Without going into too much detail and boring you. I am my fatherā€™s caretaker, and since jan his health has been bad. Multiple trips to the ER, Hospital and tons of appointments this year.

His health took another nose dive recently to where he can no longer care for himself at all. I donā€™t know if I can leave for an extended period of time right now unless heā€™s in some sort of care facility and I frankly ā€¦ donā€™t know how that works when heā€™s fully conscious but his body doesnā€™t work, and likely does not want to go to one. My siblings were going to check in on him and take him to appointments while I was gone, but they do not have the time to care for him due to their jobs.

The plan was to bring what I could carry to worlds (10-20) and just have a small pre-sale for friends or people who wanna pick one up from me. Then I was gonna come back from worlds and prep the rest for a drop sometime in August.

So those 10-20 are ā€œdoneā€ and ready to go if I do make it to worlds. If I donā€™t, weā€™re just gonna have a normal drop date sometime in aug or sept depending on how my personal life is going.


Hope your dad does better :purple_heart::heart:


Thanks! :heart:


understood. so sorry to hear about your dad, thatā€™s a really tough situation. hang in there!


Thanks, Iā€™m personally doing really good at the moment. Working on stuff for dreamcraft has helped me keep busy during these somewhat mentally stressful times, almost like meditation.

I donā€™t mean to dump news on people like that, in fact I would rather keep my personal life private to avoid drama or burdening others. But I realize that my personal life and dreamcraft are forever intertwined and Iā€™d like to always be transparent about whatā€™s going on.


well i can only speak for myself but if like to think itā€™s communities like this that ppl can lean on in stressful times. my inbox is always open if you need a friendly ear


I agree, I think part of it is that I feel like the yoyo community is a distant family spread out across the world. Iā€™ve truly met the most wonderful people through this community. Thank you all :heart:


Weā€™re here for you brother. Youā€™re not a burden. Sending love :heartbeat:


Take your time Iā€™ve been there. Whatever you need let us know. I will say after playing the PIF for the asora a bit this is on my list now. Itā€™s an awesome throw. Excited for when things get going on it when youā€™re ready.