It’s good to be passionate, but it is a toy after all. Just saying…
Sorry I even chimed in.
It’s good to be passionate, but it is a toy after all. Just saying…
Sorry I even chimed in.
Who is being passionate? Stating the facts has nothing to do with passion. There is no emotion necessary.
I just drew you a picture with words. Geezer feels compelled to: question, challenge, ridicule, dispel, confront anybody with any thoughts or feelings other than the Draupnir being the ultimate spinning device.
I guess you could identify his posture as being passionate🤔
But I am merely countering his one track mind with a logical and valid explanation.
Nobody should be sorry here.
Unless you make/made the mistake of not having a Draupnir Adoration Chapel somewhere in your house🤓
PS… Here is a short list of yoyos I actually like more than the Draupnir <> Both Fulvias… Evora… Space Cadet… Ti-Walker… Manatee… Ex-Machina… Hideyoshi… And especially one yoyo that just amazes me way more than I had anticipated; the Radius.
It; to me is a Draupnir Killa, lolol
And it’s not even a bi-metal.
But who cares; seriously?
PS2… Even ‘if’ the Draupnir was the Greatest yoyo ever made. And we All agreed there would never be a better yoyo; ever, ever, forever; they are so scarce; few would ever be able to own one. Even if they had the $200+ price tag.
So since only 1 out of every several hundred yoyo players will possibly ever even own a Draupnir; how good it is should be a non-issue.
Just wanted to point out that the Draupnir really isn’t that scarce. YYR usually makes several runs of it every year. Sure, it’s no Replay Pro but compared to most other Japanese/premium bi-metals, it isn’t that rare relative to its peers.
^^ You could say there was a misunderstanding about the definition of the word “hype”. To my mind, I read the way it was used as mocking and rather negative. Gene took offense to that and stood up for a yoyo and company he believes in.
Where does he even say it’s the best yoyo?
Then he gets jumped on, and yes, goes off the rails a bit.
I wasn’t apologizing. I was voicing regret for ever sticking my nose into this very unfun discussion about a beloved toy.
Gene? It’s not Gene.
My bad
Scarce in the sense that there are few enough to result in ‘product not available in adequate quantity to satisfy larger number of potential purchasers’.
You can split hairs if you want to. But when many Yoyo makers release bi-metals in larger quantities and often in a half a dozen colorways; YYR releasing a small number here and there; identifies them as scarce.
Maybe some senigoku
Yyf for life
I killed a Draupnir once. But it was kinda vibey when I got it so I didn’t sweat it.
#draupnirkiller #5A
I killed a a bottle of Boone’s Farm once. But it was kinda warm when I got it so I didn’t sweat it.
#steveisadingus #5F
I was going to post something really funny, but I don’t throw stuff from Japan unless SKon makes it.
what are we talking about again?
Sheesh guys, all I ever said, or was trying to say; was that YYR does not overtly market their products through press releases and legions of fans on social media. They do not hype one way or the other in the USA. Word of mouth seems to work fine.
Yes; I am one of those mouths. That is why I am pointing out that they do not market their products here. I “found” them by taking a chance a few years ago and spending $250 for a yo-yo that turned out to be the best thing I had ever thrown. At the time everyone thought buying a yo-yo for $250 was insane. No one had actually tried them - they cost too much.
I was not insulting Chris. CLYW is one of the best marketers in the industry. If it came across that way, I apologize to CLYW and Chris. He has always been generous and kind to me. They make great yo-yo’s that they manage to generate enough excitement to sell lots of; at high prices. The marketing machine, however, is quite powerful and influential in the industry.
… I think we were talking about Draupnir killers though.
Uh, don’t look now Matt; but you clearly stated>
“Yoyorecreation, to my knowledge, does not participate in this exercise like other brands do: CLY *cough * W is a great example. What does Chris do for a living again? He makes yo-yo’s? No, he tried that. Now, he “hypes” (oh yeah; markets) things online. That is “hype”; that is called advertising. It has nothing to do with whether the product is good or not. It is about creating an image to make sales”.
You didn’t think that was insulting? You bi-polar or something?
Funny stuff…
YoyoGeezer, you were clearly insulting Chris and CLYW in your previous comment.
When you’ve talked yourself into a corner, it is better to apologize than to suggest you offered no insult at all.
Steve Brown is the draupnir killer. Case closed!
Thanks for confessing, Steve. I’m slightly troubled by your lack of remorse.
11/10 would instacop
The draupnir is not that good…I could name so many yo-yos I’d use over it. Take the Selene by Topyo, I got it at Worlds for 22 bucks and it executes combos just as well as the draupnir. Plus, the matte finishes are not good for grinds.