Double up on my favorite throw?

I think as a newer player it’s important to try as many different shapes/sizes/weights as possible until you find what’s right for you. Once you dial in on the shape and specs you enjoy you can start cherry picking different models that fall into those parameters. Then you’ll find your absolute favorites and can get as many duplicates as you see fit.

I probably have ~70 yoyos, almost entirely slimmer organic shapes, with like 4 models taking up at least half of my collection lol.


Right! Having a variety of shapes and sizes is great as well too. O shape is my favorite and I have a bunch like that but I get bored easily so I like to switch sizes and shapes. I window shop a lot but sometimes my itch to buy something new is scratched by just picking up a yoyo I haven’t thrown in awhile or that I forgot I had and usually it feels like a Mail Day yoyo. Personally, I would not want all my yoyos to be similar. For beginners I’d recommend the advice mentioned by numerous people here - try lots of shapes and sizes because based on my own experience, your favorite yoyo one day may bore you the next day. Having a variety of string brands and thicknesses also helps because switching strings can make a yoyo feel a lot different and sometimes a bleh yoyo feel awesome.


Yea in my normal rotation of throws I do have a mix of shapes. An edgeless for a round organic. A yyf bimetal for the v shape. A confusion for a metal responsive. I somehow already have 18 different throws. I did make sure to go that route before considering doubling up on anything. So I have an idea of what shapes I’m going to be looking for in the future after this next purchase.


Yea… I already have some different strings too… I justified all these purchases because “I have to try different things” lol Currently only knot bad and vines regular a phat. I would like to try the Kitty xl next since I’ve been getting into practicing a mix of slack tricks now and that seems to be a popular one for that. I also have the yyf brand strings but they don’t count. I’m not a fan at all

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Zipline makes great strings worth checking out. Markmont makes great strings as well. There’s lots of different brands worth checking out.

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I’ve heard zip line dropped a lot. I’ll have to give both of them a try. I think I’m still at a stage where I don’t feel a ton of differences between strings outside of whips yet. My hands don’t feel much difference in the softness either. I made the mistake of buying 50 of the knot bads and 150 each of the vines. So I have 300 vines. I planned on spending some time knocking that down lol next time buying 10 packs when I want to try new strings. I’m a mechanic so my hands never come clean no matter how hard I try so I should go thru these fairly quick. Hopefully by then I’ll b better at feeling differences between strings too.


I would. I don’t have too many duplicates, but the Dunk Rebound is kinda my main squeeze right now and i have 4 of them. Back in the day the Gung Fu was my main and i had 9 at one point.

Plus, half swapping is awesome! And you could do 3a!

For me, personally I never intended to or wanted to double up on anything. There’s always something new and I thought I would chase the new thing or something I didn’t have.

That was until I found one that I really like, I don’t think this will become a trend but there’s always an exception haha

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Go for it, you won’t be sorry. Can always sell or trade the extras down the road

7 - RBC
4 - Panorama
3 - Diorama
2 - Deep State
3 - Deeper State
4 - Top Deck
3 - Terrarian
4 - Legendary Terrarian
3 - Luftverk Plastic Fulvia
3 - Luftverk Plastic 000
4 Tom Kuhn SB-2
9 - Butterfly
5 - Imperials