Double or nothing help

WhAt should I do to hit double or nothing almost all the time some times I do it perfectly but some times I completely fail how can i get more accurate and if it is just more practice then just tell me​:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:


You’ve answered your own question.
There’s no secret, no magic. Just practice.



thx for the support and will do so

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Make sure the strings are decently spaced out when they wrap so you can land on the string you’re supposed to. Drilling it enough will get you used to where your hands should be and where the strings should lie on your fingers. Hope that helps.

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When I was learning double or nothing, I would throw with my elbows touching my sides (this gave me some extra feedback to make sure my hands were the same distance from my body). It helped a lot. Also, try to get the first wrap on non throw hand close to where the finger meets the hand so there is separation in the string when you land the trick.


I still fail the double or nothing often and both of these points are very helpful.

I use my non-throw hand thumb to pull the string back that I’m not supposed to be landing on. Helps with these wiiiiiiide throws I’ve been getting.

Also, practice the matrix. It’s just double or nothing in a repeater over and over and over and over…

When I was learning Double or Nothing, when I did the first wrap around, I kept it at the base of the fingers…so that way when the yoyo came around again to land on the string, I could keep it spaced apart as I’d have the second go-round aim toward the tip of my finger.

I also recommend Matrix, will teach you being fluid, conistancy, and a transition from an ordinary trapeze to a Double or Nothing and back.