Don't you just hate it when your yoyoing and...(THREAD)

When you yoyo to music and act like you’re on stage, then everyone around is like, “Is something wrong?”

Your friend asks you to let him/her try and everyone calls you a b**** for not letting them.

And then when they try to bring it up their hand goes down and the yoyo hits the floor

I’ll buy said string :slight_smile:

What is inverse string?

String that is twisted in the opposite direction. Also known as left handed string.

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The security guard makes you put away your yoyo.


… And you feel really awkward for the rest of the day lol.
whoops I accidentally gave you a thank you xD

You mean… you did not mean to thank me… thats it! off my buddy list!


You want to use a different yoyo but the one you are using is just too good.

And you pull really hard on a “”"""“disappearing knot”"""""

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You can’t seem to land a simple combo

Don’t you hate when your in a talent show and you yoyoing in the talent show you got to top 3
(Kinda of my fault of doing tech trick towards a Audience of yuggles)

…you decide to do a trick you supposedly already know, and can’t remember it for the life of you. (I’m looking at you, Split the Atom; why couldn’t I remember you the other day? Magic Drop, you, too).

You get a knot in public…