Don't you hate it when...

Dry cereal ftw! Only way I eat it :smiley:
Don’t you hate it when you can feel the need to sneeze, but it just won’t happen?

When I forget a trick that was super cool

Don’t you hate it when you buy something and then a week later it goe’s on sale.

Don’t you hate it when your favourite shows go on a break/hiatus? (I’m looking at you, AT)

You run out of toilet paper but its too late…so you have to do the waddle of shame because nobody is home…

Don’t you hate it when your playing games and then the game just crashes

^That’s why I’m OCD about saving (i have at least 10 saves per game).

Don’t you hate it when you forget you have a test today?

Don’t you hate it when you land a sweet new trick, can do it all the time when you are practicing alone, then the ONE chance you get to show it off cause someone wants to see a cool yoyo trick, you biff it…

then you try again… and you biff it…

and you rock the baby so they get all excited while walking away in shame.

Your recording a game and someone tells you the score.

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Don’t you hate it when you think the waiter is bringing your food, but it’s for another table T_T

Don’t you hate it when your on the phone with someone taking care of business and when the process is about to end you both go through the “ok” “well” “op” “yep” “thank you” …pause…“goodbye” “uh huh” interrupting each other.

Don’t you hate it when u miss a week of school and have to make up all the hw in a day and have an important test the next day and have to make up two other tests u missed?

When that delicious looking stuff you saw tastes disgusting…

dont you hate it when you give accidental thank yous…

You finally save up enough money to buy something and you find out it’s out of stock??!?!!?

cough Capricorn cough cough

How did you know??

Don’t you hate it when your watching an awesome yoyo vid on youtube and then it stops due to buffering.

When you get good news after being sad then having super sad news .

Oh man, I really wanted one!