A GT that just wont dimount
When you get to the part of your combo with whips, and tension messes it all up.
When a trick youve perfected wont cooperate with you when you are in front of a camera
When laceration binds dont work
When some gnarly knot appears out of no where
When a yoyo strips the first time you unscrew it (ehem proton, trap, token, :P)
Non yoyo related:
When cliff hanger, nuff said
Whenyou lose your train of thought at school
When you drop your lunch on the floor
Whena teacher keeps on teaching after the bell rung. We have other classes ya know.
When you step on a lego
When you think you lost your phone and then you try calling it
An hour after an argument, you think of the PERFECT comeback but you can’t use it.
Dave: Your yoyo skills suck!
Me: Walks away
Dave: Yep. Just go away now.
Me (Eating a burger): Oh my friking gawd I should have said “YOUR MOMS YOYO SKILLS SUCK!”