Don't you hate it when

Doc I read half that post thinking you were saying you dont hate these things and then I noticed the “I” in “dont I” :joy:


-I hate when a new bearing locks up
-I hate when I go on a trip and are required to bring 6 or less yoyos, and by the end of the week my loopers magically become unresponsive, I ding my skyline on a bus, and then accidentally keep it in my pocket when I walked into a waterfall, the response pad in my shutter falls out, and I lose the axle of my KO. And then I use a Duncan Big Fun for the rest of the week.
-When you leave a yoyo in the side pocket of your bag, you set it down, and someone grabs it out of your bag and starts dangling it from some bleachers. You go over to see the damage, and there is a new ding on the yoyo you got for your birthday less than a week ago.


I gave what I’m pretty sure was a mint N12 to a friend who is really into throwing. He let his friend who was interested try it and told him to be careful to not let it touch the ground as it was outside and over rock paving stones. His friend threw it and and as it was spinning purposely let it touch the ground for a second. The yoyo was no longer mine but it made me angry when I heard about this.


I agree! I think the whole “don’t unscrew the yoyo” has been taken out of context. I hope someone will remember the details better than me, but there was an issue with a company where if you unscrewed a particular model the yoyo would vibe. That seemed to carry over to every model of every yoyo of every company. When that simply isn’t the case. And yes, many yoyos can be tuned, thankfully.


**** :raised_hands:*** thank you! I always thought that would be self evident. There’s video of company owners assembling their yoyos. Nothing special or magical going on. Lol.


For me a loud bearing isn’t annoying but a bearing that sounds like it’s rusted drives me nuts


I don’t get the unscrewed either. I have a bunch of top of the line throws and never had one that needed to be tuned after unscrewing. I unscrewed my $1000 yoyo the first day I got it and was just as smooth when I put it back tog. What do you do when you get a yoyo with a bad bearing? Has to be unscrewed to be changed and bearings don’t last forever.


Sameeee. Tbh… I unscrew my yoyos daily and never have had an issue. I must have good luck


Stripping is just extremely rare especially if you’re being careful.


Yeah I’ve never had that issue. I’m very careful when putting back together

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Never met a knot I couldn’t get out with a toothpick, but I suppose if you’re in public you might not have anything to pick a knot with.

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Id say 99% of knots I can get without opening it but every once in a while there’s one that needs the yo to be opened.


“When you do a great combo and them someone asks you if you can ‘walk the dog’”

THIS is the ultimate one for me. I’m working on cultivating a roll-eyes-and-walk-away-in-haughty-disgust routine for such occasions.



Just play a titanium yoyo and show them walking sparky. Everyone needs a beater ti in their collection.

I think the only thing I hate is when I land one of my harder combos “successfully”, only to find out I got a knot somehow. Really puts a damper on that ‘landed it’ dopamine rush.

Oh, and dinging a pristine yoyo for the first time. I live with it and move on, but it always feels bad.


I’ve been yoyoing for 7 years. I unscrew all my yoyos. Never stripped one.

Well, actually I had a yo-yo strip because it fell it fell off my deck onto asphalt. Bent it up.

But I have never stripped one from unscrewing. And that includes my shutter from 2014, which I’ve unscrewed hundreds of times. Still plays very well.

I think the phobia is a common affliction of collectors who care a great deal about vibe.


Probably. Sometimes ill get a brand new yoyo that is really smooth, and after opening it up, cleaning/replacing the bearing, I can never manage to get it quite so smooth/quiet again. So i’ll try to maintain “factory tune” for as long as possible before I open a yoyo up. I can oftentimes get the yoyo back to stock feel with new/clean bearings, but not always. As someone who also plays fixed axle, I prefer to pick knots rather than open a yoyo up. Unscrewing a yoyo is a maintenance only process for me.


I hate it when every bearing I’ve ever used becomes super loud after a few minutes of play and I have to do something about it instead of just enjoying my toy. Maybe I’m just sensitive to loud noises, but I can’t stand it and I don’t know how anyone can just play through it. Canned air and thin lube are my best friends.


Loud bearings are the worst.


I have yet to introduce vibe to one of my yoyos by unscrewing it and the day that I find one that happens to… I won’t be buying that brand again lol.


I hate when people appreciate rock the baby or walk the dog more than a speed combo or a 3.5 hook.

Actually, no. I hate every knot that isn’t a garlic knot :joy: