Does anyone have SOUTHSIDE of EMPATHY

This is a yo-yo I’m very interested in right now.
If anyone has one, can you tell me what it is like to use?
If anyone has a yyr bae as well, I’d like to compare it to it.
I like yyr’s bae, and the last time I was looking in a store I found a yoyo with a similar shape. It was the empathy soutuside.
I wanted to get it because the diameter and width are very similar.
Sorry for my bad English.



I have played both and both are great choices!! - It really is subjective like most things but depends on what you like! :slight_smile:

I absolutely love the Southside, and think it is a VERY great choice for competition play. I think if I were to choose, I would go with the Southside over the Bae, only because it is a little wider, which makes it easier to hit strings in performing bigger types of tricks/moves.

I do love the Bae as well though, and since it is a tiny bit slimmer, it is a little easier to manuver through a more dense tech combo.

So overall it depends on what tricks you are doing. If you like flashier bigger tricks like eli hops, or doing moves with a bigger motion and landing it on the string, I would pick Southside!

For more dense combos and intricate string maneuvers, I would go with the YYR Bae! :slight_smile:

Hope this helps!