Southside by Empathy! - Available Wednesday 10/11/23 - 10am ET!


After a year of prototyping, Empathy is launching their second bimetal creation, the Southside. This model bears the signature of Maty Držmíšek, the Czech vice champion of 2022 hailing from the southern region of the Czech Republic.

Blasted-Gunmetal-Southside Polished-Pink-Southside

Maty’s vision was a robust, broader design featuring substantial stainless steel rings, creating a formidable yoyo tailored for competitions. Simultaneously, the Southside boasts an organic shape, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable throw.


:hushed: a Morrning Drop! Rise and Shine :sun_with_face:


if anyone has played this or a proto, i’d love to hear some thoughts


Yeah I’m interested too!

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just got mine, ordered it from an eu site. more powerful and stable than i expected. manuevaerable and comfortable, i like it.


@AndreBoulay any chance that YYE also get Physix in stock soon


We actually just got them in too! Online soon (working on photos/graphics) but if you want one now you can always send us an email and we can sell in advance too!


Do y’all have veylaa or whatever the Polo Duncan signature is called? Already :eyes:? Thanks!

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Yes… however waiting on Duncan for a pending release date!


by any chance you have Yoyofactory flames left?:slight_smile:

Those are long gone unfortunately!

How you finding it after the first impressions? I do like the shape a lot I do not have anything in this style, the onyl very comfy shape I have that it’s ok to be pushed for serious tricks is the GTR-JS.

Do I need another bimetal? NO, do I want this one? YES


I am curious as well!!

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I personally love this yo-yo! - The shape is wide but not too wide and is very comfortable in the hand. It plays actually a little heavier than it says, and I find it spins a lot longer than you anticipate while doing longer combos.

Overall rating 10/10 would recommend lol

Also just wanted to add that this is a GREAT competition yo-yo! - The size and weight are pretty ideal to hit any trick along with it spinning for your longer tricks/combos in a routine! - But also could be just fun to use as a daily throw! :slight_smile:


i pretty much agree exactly with Eric! i don’t have a bimetal with similar specs to it either, imo it isn’t really anything like the gtr-js in play other than them nothing being high performance and comfortable. hard to say with it being so new but i might like it more than the JS


Ok I got mine in the mail and spent some time to get first impressions.

Overall the yoyo feels about mid-weight when getting it up to speed and changing directions. Can definitely play it fast with a pinch of effort to push it. The spin is powerful. The shape is very very comfortable in hand, I got the matte blue one and the texture is great. Nail vibe is nonexistent, my particular one came GLASS smooth. Very happy with the yo-yo, it makes me want to get my hands on a Physix now


Thanks for the feedback on it I’ve been looking at one myself!

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