Does anybody own or at least thrown a YYR Valkyrie?

It was one of the New Yoyorecreation releases at Worlds.

But sadly two of my friends told me YYR sold out at the very beginning of the first day!

They didn’t even get to try a Valkyrie.

I am not asking for a review.

I m just curious because I thought someone by now would have mentioned the New yoyo.


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There are a few people in a Facebook group I’m apart of that have it and thrown it

All I heard is that it plays like a Nobunaga. And people say it’s more solid playing than a Draupnir.

I have yet to own one. Very sad

I wanted one, but unless you were super quick, they went like I expected them to. I have heard similar stuff, slightly more solid than the Draup and very much like the Nobunaga