Do you guys have any favorite yo-yoers that aren't sponsored?

Thank you for hitting that nail on the head :slight_smile:

Uh, arent you the kid putting ā€œCLYW Tutorialā€ on all your videos? If so, thatā€™s the lamest thing ever. Thereā€™s no saying you werenā€™t pretending to be affiliated with them, haha. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve left a comments like this on one of 'em.
Especially after saying ā€œNOW Iā€™m trying for Sorry yoyos, for nowā€ā€¦

Weak sauce.

Itā€™s sauce you wouldnā€™t enter in the county fair, because itā€™s so weak.

Sorry. I had to say that.

Also not trying to feed the fire, but there were quite a few blatant rip offs from CLYW and itā€™s team members. Iā€™m all for supporting a company you like, but there is definitely a line before actions get a bit unreasonable.

Iā€™m not going to comment on the relative merits or foibles of the use of ā€œCLYWā€ on his tutorials because Iā€™m diplomatic like that.

But Iā€™ve talked with Austin from time to time and heā€™s a good guy. I like him. And although I donā€™t want to ā€œoutā€ him as having feelings, heā€™s not made of stone and heā€™s very aware of the criticisms he has received. Letā€™s just remember that heā€™s a human being with both mistakes and feelings and go forward from there.

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Thanks For defending me Greg i really Aprecciate it but hey are right i did go over the line putting CLYW on all my videos and stuff but i changed that all the videos have been edited and im trying to start over, trythfully i want to be able to just have fun in the community i didnt expect it to get like this but for now on all there is gonna be is just me and yoyosā€¦

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Alex Gallimore is an easy choice. Some that have been sponsored and currently arenā€™t that I can think of would be Guy Wright, Zammy, and Nate Sutter.

Does Takeshi count?

Has Alex Gallimore ever been offered a sponsorship? He consistently pops up on these types of threads

Really makes me wonder if heā€™s been offered but just wants to stay unsponsored or waiting for a certain company to offer one to him

Erā€¦ isnā€™t Takeshi still with Duncan?
Matsuura is with Turning Point Iā€™m pretty sure.

So no, neither of the Takeshiā€™s that come to mind immediately count.

I know for a fact that Alex is not a one-company kind of guy. He plays lots of yoyos from many different companies, and Iā€™m sure heā€™d be happy to be sponsored by any number of them. I hope somebody offers him something some dayā€¦ itā€™s hard for me to see such a talented player without additional support that a sponsorship can bring!

Thanks every one for all the mentions, and makinā€™ me feel good inside :wink: I havenā€™t been offered sponsorship from any yoyo company, an I am no way against sponsorship. Iā€™d really like to be sponsored, and there are quite a few companies that Iā€™d accept sponsorship from. I guess I still have to keep working hard, and doing what Iā€™m doing.

Colin Beckford
Keiran Cooper
Michael Stecz
Trevor Boice

their yoyoing is gold.

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Patrick Canny

Michael Ferdico, Patrick Canny, and Keiran Cooper are probably the main 3 I can think of. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more, but I judged wanted to bump this again.

Drew Barnhart and Alex Gallimore

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What about Chase Baxter?

Some of my favorites are Adam Schultz, Chase Brown, Chase Baxter, Michael Stecz, Chandler Steele, Robbie Graham, Elliot Ogawa (my pick to win nats 3a), Daniel Flaherty, Keiran Cooper, Wilson Van Gundy, and a ton more.

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Whoops meant to quote. Wilson Van Gundy is on Werrd lol


Wilson left Werrd a few weeks ago.