Mine is these two guys:
Trent Knighton:
and Jesse Christe:
Ryan Perez
i like trent knighton he is amazing i would have said jayyo but that has recently changed
jesse christe is sponsored by Vs Newton
Hmm, not sure.
Maybe the next guy who posts I like the most.
YAY! and i wouldve said josh yee but…
Yuuki Spencer
…and Jensen Kimmitt where ever he is.
Isnt Yuuki sponsored by YYF
not anymore! where have you been? jk lol ;D
I’d say Gavin lent, but…
I’d say Drew but…
Yuuki Spencer
Isnt Yuuki sponsored by YYF
me, myself and i. but seriously yuuki is awesome.
My bud, Kyle.
Jensen Kimmitt.
And thanks yougins. That means alot.
Connor Scholten
I agree, that Trent Knighton video is sick. Nice style.
Andrew Robinson.
Shane Karan
Connor Scholten
I believe Connor is sponsored by yoyoguy (or at least was).