Do you guys have any favorite yo-yoers that aren't sponsored?

Really? I saw him just last Saturday and I could’ve sworn he was still with them. You’re probably right though.

Evan Nagao, Michael Stecz, Patrick Canny, and Daniel Joranlien. The four unsponsored players in 1A Finals at Nationals.

Isnt Evan still somehow connected with Yoyofactory?

He just uses their product.That was a special edition Monster they just made for him… At least I think it is.


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Evan Gronberg
Chase Baxter
Elliot Ogawa

Chase Baxter
Lamonte Patterson (Go Crazy for Yoyo on here)
GregP- his passion for this is contagious. It’s not all about the tricks, it’s about bringing passion also.


WHhhaaaaaat? Aw, thanks man! Nobody has ever listed me as a favourite yoyoer before. :wink: I’mma do a passion-filled Zipper in your honour.

Wait. That sounds terrible.

I’m going to passionately drop a Spirit Bomb? I’m going to boing a boing with all my passion?

None of this is sounding any better. I’ll quit while I can.


This may be the funniest thing I’ve read on here in a long time. You have my sense of humor Greg.

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Evan Nagao all the way.

The long awaited return of myself

Heh, thought you were talking about you for a sec. Never gets old :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope I was talking about myself.

I’ll add Nick DeValpine and Daniel Flaherty to my list. Got to meet these guys at Nationals. Nick’s ticks are FIRE!!! He’s a pretty young kid, too (12 or 13 I think). Daniel has some crazy awesome slack tricks. Oh! And Lazar Medvedev. AND TYLER VIENNEAU!! I’m a huge fan of Tyler’s tricks. His Tech is mesmerizing

Thanks for the mention. I never expected I would be named one of anybody’s favorite players.