Favorite Yoyoer who's not sponsored

I have multiple.

Stephen Fuentes
Darnell Hairston
Alex Galimore
Jamario Moon



Nehemiah Peterson i think

Michael Ferdico is one of my favorites.

Doctor popular

Is Guy Wright sponsored now?


Then him :stuck_out_tongue:

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Guy Wright for me too.

Stephen Fuentes
Tucker Holland
Reid Johnson
Andrew Robinson (My boy)

Here’s Andrew in action:

Nehemiah Peterson
Remy B. (Cool Dude)
Guy Wright
Michael Ferdico
All The Kids at the yoyo club except Tylor M and Doug K.

Trent Knighton…unless he got signed, and I never realized it.

Zach Gustafson, and Gavin lent…

Elliot Ogawa I think

I have several - most of whom were already mentioned in this thread.

Head and Shoulders above the rest:
Coleman Weimer.