
So im thinking of buying a One Drop Dingo as my next throw, I love undersized yoyo’s and have checked out some reviews about it and they say its great.

So now im asking for some final input on the subject, what do you guys and gals think of this mighty player

It’s not just undersized, I’d call it a mini.

Yea that yoyo is small.
It’s a little bigger then a CU.

yeah I am aware that its small smaller than a wooly warmot, I am more interested in how people think it plays.

Yea it very smooth.
It’s got a good weight.
Just extremly small haha. Which makes it easy to move in and out of formations.
Its a classic yoyo to have in any collection.

I don’t like the way it feels but it’s still a great player. I’m not big on mini yo’s though. It should do anything you need though.

OMG the Dingo is a great throw. i got mine about a week ago and i absolutely <3 it! It’s size is indeed small, but I like that. It is little on the heavy side but I like heavy yoyo’s better anyway. It’s a definite buy.

…Sorry to ruin the bright streak of good imputs on the Dingo but I didn’t care for it. It is EXTREAMY small. I mean like smaller than the M1 small. I like the weight and everything on it, but the thing I could not stand was the fact it didn’t have good balance. And not to mention it is small. I like small yoyos like the Hatrick, M1, Swirly, but the Dingo is like a SMALL. The yoyo looks kinda funny because the bearing is large and the yoyo is small. For a second I though maybe the Dingo had an Extra Large bearing lol! It is not a great yoyo for fast tricks. I mean, it moves fast but you like have to slow it down and pay a lot of attention to keep it stable. The M1 had little balance and I liked it a lot. But the Dingo has almost NO ballance. But if you are a slow yoyoer, like… Brett. (I am not saying that in a bad way) You might just like this yoyo. But me personally, I didn’t care for it. But 50 bucks is a really good price. But I would rather look in the bst’s for an M1 or something. But that is just me and my opinion. Hope you find something you like! :slight_smile:

                                                               James Reed, Sick String!

I have never owned a mini yoyo. The smallest I’ve ever had was a misquito. I don’t imagine I’d care for one much, I’d be much more of a novelty thing that I did just to try it out. So I think that its abilities would be perfectly able… But do YOU want a yoyo that small?

thanks for the input guys good and bad, I have made up my mind and im going to get me a dingo.

The one I threw had great balance.

have you thrown an HSpin pyro (not pyro light)? could you compare the dingo to the balance and speed of that one? I owned a pyro and i am thinking of buying a dingo, but your description of the dingo (aside from the size, the pyro is huge) was the reason I traded it. It had good balance if it was played slow, but if you played it too fast it would topple. your thoughts?

Sorry, I have not played a Pyro. But I have played a Pyro Light. But the Dingo has thin rims, making it not have that great ballance. Compared to the Pyro Light I played, I’d say the Pyro Light had more ballance than the Dingo. The Dingo is a good pocket yoyo. It is just not that great for extreamly fast tricks. Allthough it spins forever making it easier to slow down your tricks. Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

                                                            James Reed, Sick String!