Ding stories. Pls write


this seemed like the appropriate song for the moment

Campfire LOL

@demskills - I am a spry 41 years old. :wink: I actually bought my first yoyo as an adult only about 2.5 years ago (I think? Maybe 3?) since having one as a pre-teen. I remembered my 3 or 4 tricks and wanted to show them to my son.

Thought to myself
 “Well, I could try learning some of those tricks I could never figure out from the books
 I have YouTube!” (in particular, wanted to learn UFO).

Did the search “yoyo tricks” or something similar. Jensen 2010 Worlds. André’s tutorials (boingy-boing in particular). You can guess the rest of the story.


With a family and work,do you still have time for yoyo sir?

There’s always time too yoyo. I throw on an elevator that goes two floors. In every line I am ever in. I imagine there is a lot of waiting around involved in a wife/kid situation.

You got it!

Plus my workplace is relatively yoyo friendly.

And then there’s my wife collapsing in exhaustion at 10:00pm while I’m still up until midnight. That’s a full 2 hours that could be spent straight yoyoing! But is usually spent on either social media or the combination of TV and yoyoing (can do both at once!).

Rome, Italy
 Just bought a new brand of strings for the trip
 Discovered they were a lot longer than the old strings. The MagicYoYo N8 took a good cobblestone hit outside the coliseum.

At least they’re dings with cultural relevance!

I guess you’re right
 It was an unintentional way of leaving my mark.

Exactly. I throw before bed if my wife is still doing computer work and evening chores are done, throw when waiting to pick up one of the kids, thrown when talking to my son about his day (he throws then too)
Edit to add: last week while waiting for an event at my son’s school, i pulled out my Ricochet to throw in the lobby. First throw I whacked the Ricochet on the tike floor which caused a loud “ding” (much to my embarrassment and my wife’s enjoyment).

Since the previous owner had already sparked it, and I put my own ding, at the end of the event, I asked my son if he wanted to spark it. He thought about it, asked if I was sure, then agreed. Seeing the joy on his face was so worth it.

I threw today waiting in line in the cafeteria. (There was plenty of space around me.) Then after I ate I had a few minutes left of my lunch. The weather is gross today so I found an empty conference room and practiced my side 1.5 mount. :slight_smile: