Different string types

I’m new to this forum. I used to throw a lot like eight years ago, and I’m getting back into it. I bought a shutter wide-angle recently, and I also got two free strings with it. One of them is what I believe to be a snakebite string and the other I think is a kitty string. One of them is really skinny so that one’s a snakebite I believe and the other ones are really thick I believe that one’s a kitty string. I primarily throw 1a so the skinny string I liked just fine, but the thick one I immediately hated. Can someone give me some insight on these thick strings I just don’t understand. I am not a beginner, but I was fighting this thing for a half hour. It’s like playing with a piece of yarn. Thanks for any info.

PS I was excited about trying a new type of string


I would suggest looking at @theendofcake 's String review page!

Personally I think the C3 Pro string is just good universal string for its price. Sochi also produces good product. I personally use Yoyo String Labs Nytro or KaPOW! for when I want a more refined string feel.

The aforementioned page:

Also on your thing about thick string- it’s all about preference and gap width. Narrow-gapped yoyos get snagged on thick string more easily and thus may bind unintentionally. However, they tend to be more comfortable than narrow string, last longer (per my experience- it could also just be my perception) and do just fine when paired with a wide-gap yoyo.

Thin string to me is gross but it is important to use in 2A. It also is compatible with more yoyos as they don’t have as much of a presence in the gap and are far less likely to unintentionally trigger the bind response.


There is “A Lot” to string.

Its about finding what “You” like for how you play.

The stri gs the people use are as varried as yhe yoyos they choose to throw.

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The string you use is almost, if not just as important as the yoyo. A string can completely change the play characteristics, from smooth and chill to fast and aggressive. And to further complicate things, color makes a big difference. In other words, a white Accel plays slightly differently than a yellow Accel plays slightly differently than a pink Accel.

Everyone is going to have their personal favorite based on their play style, so take any suggestions with a grain of salt. That said, I personally love Accel strings by Zipline, with Highlighter being my first choice and Whiteout a very, very close second. They’re soft but don’t slip off your finger, snappy but not overly grippy, hold their shape well under reasonable tension, and they last a really long time.

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if you’re talking about kitty string in a wide angle, i think that’s pretty average in terms of thickness, but it’s all preference. personally, i love snappy binds where i put in only a bit of string. i’d recommend looking at my string review thread to get a good idea of how string can affect play. at the end of the day, get a few sample packs and see what works for you and on what yoyo. kitty normal isn’t going to play the same from a 4.2 gap to a 4.5 to a 4.8 gap, and thickness normally helps compensate for those increases


After reading Cake’s review page maybe I’ll give that string I didn’t like another chance thanks


I read your page loved it. I’ll pick up some of those strings you reviewed to try thanks


I’m not sure what tricks you do and don’t do, but if you’re doing slacks that require the string to carry any sort of momentum, thick string is your friend.


Prolly more to do with the tightness of the wind than the thickness. Tightly wound strings are good. Loosely wound strings are bad imo. Original throw is a good and cheap bulk option.

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When it comes to slacks some thick soft broken in string is awesome. But it’s gotta be soft, Heavy strings whipping around with no float make slacks harder for me.

All in all though I’m just out here liking the regular first class kitty strings.

I’m pretty new to throwing and I’ve only used a handful of different string types. At first I was really into long long strings, somehow I thought it made tricks easier in the beginning, and now I just like regular length. About as short as I can go is a regular kitty string.

I like breaking in a good string, but when I’m really just looking for consistency, just get a 100 pack of kitty strings and change them everyday man.