I have a few different kind of strings at home. At first I played with regular kitty and kitty fat, later I bought some phat monkey fingers and I also have a few different Zipline strings.
I started playing with the Ziplines and they are wonderful except I can’t seem to hit basic slack tricks anymore. With the kitty and monkeyfingers I had like a 90% succesrate on ninja vanish but with the Ziplines I just can’t seem to hit it.
Is this just a case of ‘you have to get used to them’ or do the different kind of strings need different kind of movements/skill level? And is it better to learn slack tricks on the Ziplines, the bulk string or keep switching in between to get used to everything?
Well, since I only tried 2 types of strings, I am nobody to judge but I’ll try to help as best as I can.
I’ve tried Kitty normal, MagicYoyo polyester, and YoyoFactory polyester, and the string I liked the most is Kitty normal. But for some reason, I manage to control the string much easier on polyester. Kitty Normal is absolutely amazing on the finger and it feels great when it is fresh out the container. It likes to stretch a bit when first used, but over time it gets stiffer. Overall, I like Kitty Normal for general 1a tricks but I prefer normal polyester string for slack tricks.
And for some reason I have more success with MagicYoyo polyester than YoyoFactory polyester.
It could be the weight, thickness, material, string tension - stuff like that. Different factors come into play when trying out new strings. Some whip faster/slower than others and you have to adjust the way you throw accordingly. You’ll get used to different strings eventually, or you might just decide that type of string is not for you. There’s lots of preference involved in string choice.