Describe the feeling that throwing gives you. I find myself in this meditative flow like state

It’s as if the strings fuse into my fingers or something and I can feel the yoyo without touching it. I’ve only been throwing for a little over a month now but I know it just feels so… good.


Throwing a yoyo quietens my inner dialogue so instantly relaxes me and helps reduce anxiety. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment as it is something I can actually do that isn’t passive (my other passions/interests are music, reading and films). It is something that is ultimately satisfying in that there is no end and each yoyoing sessions leaves me wanting more. It is definitely something I value very highly in my life!


I’m intimidated by the skills of people here but my skill-measuring stick is where I was this past summer. Compared to where I was 5 months ago, I’m an expert. When I successfully execute a 35-45 second front combo (a mish-mosh of moves and established tricks) I feel on top of the world and filled with confidence. If I can be just a little better and smoother each month then I am happy.


The feeling I get is not necessarily a feeling, it tends to put me in another reality I guess I can just do it and not worry about what’s going on around me with life, I am in my own little world and no one can bother me haha


My yo-yo state of mind is really flexible. Sometimes, after working on a tough problem for an hour and my mind is wound up tightly, I like to find a quiet space and throw my yo-yo to help unwind. This works especially well if I’m really stuck on a difficult problem and I need to relax by doing some familiar tricks.
Other times, I actually use yo-yoing as a way to work myself up and get my brain thinking. I’ll use this time to try making up a new trick, or really work out some difficult move I’ve been working with. This is a great practice for me if I’m feeling low energy and need to get into a creative and alert mindset.
I also have high anxiety when in public, so yo-yoing can also be a brainless activity that just helps me cope in public if I’m feeling anxious.


Sometimes I can just kinda zone out and throw if I have a lot on my mind. Helps me clear my head and think about things. Yet there are also times I’m very focused on my throwing: learning a new trick or element, putting together a new combo, etc


I throw because I can’t drink scotch all day long. But that’s just me.


Started throwing again after a decade long hiatus - three weeks in and I’m in love all over again - I decided to pick it back up in an effort to spend less time looking at screens (TV, Computer, Phone, etc.)

I’m glad I ressurected this hobby, but after throwing all weekend…my right shoulder blade now has a big phat knot :face_with_head_bandage::rofl:

c’est la vie!