delete me

Thanks for the heads up on Duncan, I will make it a priority to call them :slight_smile:
and here is a pic of what the swing man might look like if it actually started being made regularly

That looks so good! Everyone will want one. Weigh the head…how much does it weigh?

I’m not sure how much it weighs :-X but I think if I go to the post office there is a weight there I can use :slight_smile:

Yes, they will weigh it for you, they are usually nice about things like that. Just let us know…I’m curious.

yup :slight_smile: 888 added

Astronaut suit Sack Boy, Companion cube and Isaac from Dead Space 2 coming soon :slight_smile:

Companion Cube String Cutter for agentone001


Hamtaro added :slight_smile:

Master sword added :slight_smile:

Isaac-Dead Space 2 for Frank of I Love Yoyo

Yoyoskills logo String Cutter coming soon :slight_smile:

Tardis for Stewie410

Ultraman coming very soon :slight_smile:

a pacman one would be cool. :slight_smile:

Ultraman :slight_smile: I’m making a better one because I’m not happy with his face

Ultraman is looking great!

Ultraman for Stephosh

Cubone and Goku super sayan 4 soming soon :slight_smile:

GT Goku Super Saiyan 4 for legaloaf :slight_smile:

Cubone pics soon and Spawn, Dalek coming soon :slight_smile:

pics of cubone up in an hour :slight_smile: